[gmx-users] Regarding Residue in chain has different type (Other) from starting residue

Dilip H N cy16f01.dilip at nitk.edu.in
Sun Oct 15 08:42:09 CEST 2017

I have a simulations system and by gmx pdb2gmx i am generating the
topology, but i am getting the warnings as:-
Identified residue GLY1 as a starting terminus.
Warning: Residue TMAO12 in chain has different type (Other) from starting
residue GLY1 (Protein).
Warning: Residue TMAO13 in chain has different type (Other) from starting
residue GLY1 (Protein).
Warning: Residue TMAO14 in chain has different type (Other) from starting
residue GLY1 (Protein).
Warning: Residue TMAO15 in chain has different type (Other) from starting
residue GLY1 (Protein).
Warning: Residue TMAO16 in chain has different type (Other) from starting
residue GLY1 (Protein).
More than 5 unidentified residues at end of chain - disabling further
Identified residue GLY1 as a ending terminus....

Topology is generated, but why am i getting this..?? all the parameters for
tmao, glycine molecules are already prescribed in the .rtp, .atp
files etc., in forcefield...

Any suggestions are appreciated...

With Best Regards,

Ph.D Student

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