[gmx-users] Shell (Drude) model for polarization in GROMACS
Eric Smoll
ericsmoll at gmail.com
Mon Jul 9 07:31:49 CEST 2018
Thanks Justin,
That is very helpful. I can run the water example provided in your paper
with the GROMACS "drude" branch.
I have built my own tools to construct a core-shell MD topology file for my
system. Grompp produces a tpr without complaint but mdrun crashes after
the first step with a segmentation fault and no other useful errors. I am
trying to troubleshoot.
Is it required that each drude/shell immediately follow the atom it is
attached to in the atoms directive and the input coordinate file? For
convenience, I have attached them to the end of each molecule?
In my topology, I manually account for the fact that drude/shell particles
are attached with bonds which count when evaluating exclusions.
Specifically, I assume a "3" in the molecules directive will take care of
all exclusions up to 3 bonds away. To account for the extra bond lengths
introduced by drude/shell particles, I add manually add certain exclusions
for particles that should be 3 bonds away according to the atom-atom
connectivity. Will this work or is there some "gotcha" I don't
understand. For example, do you invalidate the moleculetype directive by
providing an exclusions directive?
On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 5:39 PM, Justin Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu> wrote:
> On 7/3/18 6:52 PM, Eric Smoll wrote:
>> Justin,
>> Thanks again for the response and the guidance. Your 2015 JCC paper on
>> the
>> subject was very helpful.
>> Your code uses a different thole_polarization format. Currently, Gromacs
>> uses the following format
>> [ thole_polarization ]
>> ; i j k l function-number thole-a-parameter alpha_ij
>> alpha_kl
>> Your code seems to use
>> [ thole_polarization ]
>> ; i j k l function-number alpha_ij alpha_kl
>> thole-a-parameter-1 thole-a-parameter-2
>> If I would use 2.6 in the current Gromacs thole_polarization format, what
>> would I use in your thole_polarization format?
> 1.3 for both atoms to get 1.3 + 1.3 = 2.6. Thole's magic number quickly
> breaks down for complicated molecules, so our convention is that it is a
> per-atom value that is summed to give a new value of "a" per pair, e.g. a_i
> + a_j = a_total.
> -Justin
> --
> ==================================================
> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor
> Virginia Tech Department of Biochemistry
> 303 Engel Hall
> 340 West Campus Dr.
> Blacksburg, VA 24061
> jalemkul at vt.edu | (540) 231-3129
> http://www.thelemkullab.com
> ==================================================
> --
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