[gmx-users] problem with inflategro

Justin Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Tue Mar 6 14:07:27 CET 2018

On 3/6/18 7:50 AM, kordzadeh at aut.ac.ir wrote:
> Hi all
> when I used inflategro in KALP in DPPC tutorial, I had no problem,
> but in my system I have a receptor in bilayer , I have 1152 DPPC when I use inflategro in systeminflated.gro file some of lines is duplicated, this happens for 200 DPPC, as follow:
> 35DPPC          0  1716.798  16.173   4.117
>     35DPPC    C1 1701  20.679  15.409   8.337
>     35DPPC          01717.798  16.343   4.156
>     35DPPC    C2 1702  20.849  15.448   8.504
>     35DPPC          01718.798  16.296   4.317
>     35DPPC    C3 1703  20.802  15.609   8.336
>     35DPPC          01719.798  16.306   4.173
>     35DPPC    N4 1704  20.812  15.465   8.363
> what is wrong? what can I do? should I clear copied lines manually?

No, you should figure out why this bad formatting occurred. I have never 
seen the script do anything like this. Is your input .gro file formatted 



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Virginia Tech Department of Biochemistry

303 Engel Hall
340 West Campus Dr.
Blacksburg, VA 24061

jalemkul at vt.edu | (540) 231-3129


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