[gmx-users] GMX 2018 and 'distance' pull

Justin Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Tue Mar 13 12:16:32 CET 2018

On 3/13/18 2:38 AM, Alex wrote:
> Hi all,
> There seems to be a problem with the new pull code when it comes to 
> using it for umbrella sampling with 'distance' directive for WHAM (the 
> original thread is my earlier exchange with Justin in '[gmx-users] 
> seeming paradox with gmx wham'). In order to subdue unknown statement 
> errors, the code was modified to:
> pull                 = yes
> pull-coord1-type     = umbrella
> pull_ngroups            = 2
> pull_ncoords            = 1
> pull_group1_name        = K
> pull_group2_name        = CNT
> pull_coord1_geometry    = distance
> pull_coord1_groups      = 1 2
> pull-coord1-dim         = Y Y Y
> pull_coord1_rate        = 0.0
> pull_coord1_k           = 1000
> pull_coord1_start       = yes
> But it is a mess anyway. The box is 5.7 nm tall (6 nm by 5.5 nm wide) 
> and the membrane's COM is definitely close to the geometric center of 
> the box and it is definitely not moving beyond a few angstroms from 
> thermal fluctuations (the membrane is very strongly restrained at its 
> perimeter). The initial coordinate configurations for the other group 
> (an ion) are a sweep of heights between -1.5 nm and 1.5 nm right 
> relative to the membrane's COM along the height -- initial x and y are 
> those of the membrane's COM -- see my very angry drawing here: 
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/bwugqp5v9qt7iaq/pull.jpg?dl=0   :) The 
> distance simply cannot exceed 1.5 nm with spherical symmetry, it just 
> can't. And yet, i get errors like
> "Distance between pull groups 1 and 2 (3.035939 nm) is larger than 
> 0.49 times the box size (2.728418)." -- this is from grompp
> Sometimes grompp is actually satisfied, but then mdrun throws this 
> after a few thousand steps:
> "Program:     gmx mdrun, version 2018
> Source file: src/gromacs/pulling/pull.cpp (line 707)
> MPI rank:    0 (out of 2)
> Fatal error:
> Distance between pull groups 1 and 2 (2.732163 nm) is larger than 0.49 
> times
> the box size (2.728418)."
> This does not seem possible, because at this point the ion is radially 
> restrained (1000 kJ/mol/nm2). This was /never/ an issue with 5.0.4 
> with a considerably smaller box (4 nm) -- the entire mdp file is a 
> copy of what worked in 5.0.4, except the pull code is as above. Do I 
> just continue increasing the box size?

You may have a situation that requires manual assignment of 
pull_group1_pbcatom1, as the automatic choice of "choose a number in the 
middle of the list" may be inappropriate in your case. It works well for 
a globular protein, but for a sheet of material, probably you're getting 
an incorrect check from mdrun.

The pull code was basically re-written in version 5.1, hence why you may 
not have seen an issue back in 5.0.4.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Virginia Tech Department of Biochemistry

303 Engel Hall
340 West Campus Dr.
Blacksburg, VA 24061

jalemkul at vt.edu | (540) 231-3129


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