[gmx-users] nvcc fatal: 'avx512f': expected a number
Ehsan Moravveji
e.moravveji at gmail.com
Wed Oct 24 09:54:57 CEST 2018
Dear GMX users,
I would like to share a difficulty installing GROMACS/2018.3 with you,
and kindly ask for your wisdom.
I use GCC/6.4.0 on a Linux cluster with CentOS 7.5 kernel and GPU
nodes equipped with 4 x P100 Nvidia devices.
Below is the cmake configuration that I use, followed by the error (in
boldface font) that I
receive. I am not sure if there is still an extra flag to set to resolve
this issue, or some other steps must be taken?
I appreciate your input.
Kind regards,
Ehsan Moravveji
cmake "${cwd}/${dir_src}" \
-DGMX_SIMD='AVX_512' \
-DBLAS_mkl_LIBRARY="${DIR_MKL_LIB}/libmkl_rt.so" \
-DLAPACK_mkl_lapack_LIBRARY="DIR_MKL_LIB/libmkl_sequential.so" \
-DBLAS_guide_LIBRARY="${DIR_MKL_LIB}/libmkl_rt.so" \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${dir_install}" \
-DHWLOC_LIBRARIES="${EBROOTHWLOC}/lib/libhwloc.so" \
-DNVML_LIBRARY="${EBROOTCUDA}/lib64/stubs/libnvidia-ml.so" \
-DCUDA_CUDA_LIBRARY="${EBROOTCUDA}/lib64/libcuda.so" \
-- Generating dependency file:
/software/CUDA/9.2.148/bin/nvcc -M -D__CUDACC__
/work/GROMACS/gromacs-2018.3/src/gromacs/mdlib/nbnxn_cuda/nbnxn_cuda.cu -o
-ccbin /software/CUDA/9.2.148/bin/nvcc -m64 --std
-gencode arch=compute_60,code=sm_60 -gencode
arch=compute_60,code=compute_60 -use_fast_math -gencode
arch=compute_60,code=compute_60 -use_fast_math -D_FORCE_INLINES -DNVCC
-I/work/GROMACS/gromacs-2018.3-build/tng/include*nvcc fatal :
'avx512f': expected a number
CMake Error at libgromacs_generated_nbnxn_cuda.cu.o.Release.cmake:219
Error generating
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