[gmx-users] Zwitterionic amino acid topology parameters in CHARMM

Justin Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Wed Oct 31 20:19:12 CET 2018

On 10/31/18 2:56 PM, rose rahmani wrote:
> Thank you, but I couldn't understand you exactly. My structures already
> have NH3+ and COO- . You mean everything is right? That's normal, yes?

I was stating which terminal patches you should choose with pdb2gmx to 
transform the Phe .rtp topology into that of a zwitterion.


> On Wed, 31 Oct 2018, 21:43 Justin Lemkul, <jalemkul at vt.edu> wrote:
>> On 10/31/18 2:01 PM, rose rahmani wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I want to use zwitterionic form of AAs in CHARMM ff. I gave structure in
>>> Discovery studio and then use pdb2gmx to get its topology and ... files.
>>> But the number of atoms in topol.top and also some atom's partial charges
>>> are different from atoms and charges in aminoacids.rtp
>>> For example, in the case of phenylalanine,
>>> this is topology file after pdb2gmx:
>>> [ atoms ]
>>> ;   nr       type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr     charge       mass
>> typeB
>>>     chargeB      massB
>>> ; residue   1 PHE rtp PHE  q  0.0
>>>        1        NH3      1    PHE      N      1       -0.3     14.007   ;
>>> qtot -0.3
>>>        2         HC      1    PHE     H1      2       0.33      1.008   ;
>>> qtot 0.03
>>>        3         HC      1    PHE     H2      3       0.33      1.008   ;
>>> qtot 0.36
>>>        4         HC      1    PHE     H3      4       0.33      1.008   ;
>>> qtot 0.69
>>>        5        CT1      1    PHE     CA      5       0.21     12.011   ;
>>> qtot 0.9
>>>        6         HB      1    PHE     HA      6        0.1      1.008   ;
>>> qtot 1
>>>        7        CT2      1    PHE     CB      7      -0.18     12.011   ;
>>> qtot 0.82
>>>        8         HA      1    PHE    HB1      8       0.09      1.008   ;
>>> qtot 0.91
>>>        9         HA      1    PHE    HB2      9       0.09      1.008   ;
>>> qtot 1
>>>       10         CA      1    PHE     CG     10          0     12.011   ;
>>> qtot 1
>>>       11         CA      1    PHE    CD1     11     -0.115     12.011   ;
>>> qtot 0.885
>>>       12         HP      1    PHE    HD1     12      0.115      1.008   ;
>>> qtot 1
>>>       13         CA      1    PHE    CE1     13     -0.115     12.011   ;
>>> qtot 0.885
>>>       14         HP      1    PHE    HE1     14      0.115      1.008   ;
>>> qtot 1
>>>       15         CA      1    PHE     CZ     15     -0.115     12.011   ;
>>> qtot 0.885
>>>       16         HP      1    PHE     HZ     16      0.115      1.008   ;
>>> qtot 1
>>>       17         CA      1    PHE    CD2     17     -0.115     12.011   ;
>>> qtot 0.885
>>>       18         HP      1    PHE    HD2     18      0.115      1.008   ;
>>> qtot 1
>>>       19         CA      1    PHE    CE2     19     -0.115     12.011   ;
>>> qtot 0.885
>>>       20         HP      1    PHE    HE2     20      0.115      1.008   ;
>>> qtot 1
>>>       21         CC      1    PHE      C     21       0.34     12.011   ;
>>> qtot 1.34
>>>       22         OC      1    PHE    OT1     22      -0.67     15.999   ;
>>> qtot 0.67
>>>       23         OC      1    PHE    OT2     23      -0.67     15.999   ;
>>> qtot 0
>>> and this is .rtp file for PHE:
>>> [ PHE ]
>>>    [ atoms ]
>>>           N       NH1     -0.47   0
>>>           HN      H       0.31    1
>>>           CA      CT1     0.07    2
>>>           HA      HB      0.09    3
>>>           CB      CT2     -0.18   4
>>>           HB1     HA      0.09    5
>>>           HB2     HA      0.09    6
>>>           CG      CA      0.00    7
>>>           CD1     CA      -0.115  8
>>>           HD1     HP      0.115   9
>>>           CE1     CA      -0.115  10
>>>           HE1     HP      0.115   11
>>>           CZ      CA      -0.115  12
>>>           HZ      HP      0.115   13
>>>           CD2     CA      -0.115  14
>>>           HD2     HP      0.115   15
>>>           CE2     CA      -0.115  16
>>>           HE2     HP      0.115   17
>>>           C       C       0.51    18
>>>           O       O       -0.51   19
>>> so as you see there O and 2 H more...  . I know that's because of COO
>> group
>>> and HH.. but which of them are the real structure of zwitterionic form of
>>>    amino acid in force field? are both true? I would be appreciated if you
>>> can help me.
>> Just apply the normal NH3+ and COO- terminal patches. There are no
>> special zwitterion patches like in some force fields (OPLS, etc.)
>> Naturally, the .rtp will change - that is the function of the .tdb entries.
>> -Justin
>> --
>> ==================================================
>> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
>> Assistant Professor
>> Virginia Tech Department of Biochemistry
>> 303 Engel Hall
>> 340 West Campus Dr.
>> Blacksburg, VA 24061
>> jalemkul at vt.edu | (540) 231-3129
>> http://www.thelemkullab.com
>> ==================================================
>> --
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Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Virginia Tech Department of Biochemistry

303 Engel Hall
340 West Campus Dr.
Blacksburg, VA 24061

jalemkul at vt.edu | (540) 231-3129


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