[gmx-users] core-dumped

Bratin Kumar Das 177cy500.bratin at nitk.edu.in
Tue Sep 11 06:33:00 CEST 2018

Dear all,
             During nvt equilibration I am getting the following error
gmx mdrun -v -s npt.tpr -deffnm npt
                      :-) GROMACS - gmx mdrun, 2016.5 (-:

                            GROMACS is written by:
     Emile Apol      Rossen Apostolov  Herman J.C. Berendsen    Par
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GROMACS:      gmx mdrun, version 2016.5
Executable:   /usr/local/gromacs/bin/gmx
Data prefix:  /usr/local/gromacs
Working dir:
Command line:
  gmx mdrun -v -s npt.tpr -deffnm npt

Running on 1 node with total 4 cores, 4 logical cores
Hardware detected:
  CPU info:
    Vendor: Intel
    Brand:  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz
    SIMD instructions most likely to fit this hardware: AVX2_256
    SIMD instructions selected at GROMACS compile time: AVX2_256

  Hardware topology: Basic

Reading file npt.tpr, VERSION 2016.5 (single precision)
Changing nstlist from 5 to 25, rlist from 1.2 to 1.233

Using 1 MPI thread
Using 4 OpenMP threads

WARNING: This run will generate roughly 6779 Mb of data

starting mdrun '5YQZ_preprocessed - hbond-opt in water'
200000 steps,    400.0 ps.

Step 0, time 0 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 7.344571, max 575.613892 (between atoms 18720 and 18723)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
   2379   2380   37.5    0.0872   0.1066      0.1010
   2381   2382   47.9    0.1498   0.1052      0.1090
   2383   2384   47.4    0.0884   0.1147      0.1090
   2389   2390   49.1    0.0597   0.1001      0.0960
   2426   2427   90.0    0.1253   0.1266      0.1080
   4036   4037   54.9    0.1454   0.1077      0.1090
   4038   4039   46.1    0.1081   0.1121      0.1090
   4040   4041   30.2    0.0554   0.1124      0.1090
   4040   4042   32.8    0.1002   0.1123      0.1090
   4040   4043   35.1    0.1426   0.1129      0.1090
   5382   5384   50.3    0.1280   0.1093      0.1090
   5956   5957   37.0    0.0770   0.1141      0.1090
   5956   5959   89.8    0.1805   0.1828      0.1090
   5960   5961   61.7    0.1651   0.1267      0.1229
   6029   6031   89.9    0.1146   1.2008      0.1090
   6035   6036   31.6    0.1083   0.1036      0.1010
   6038   6040   42.5    0.1324   0.1043      0.1010
   6887   6888   31.1    0.1070   0.1111      0.1090
   6887   6889   59.5    0.1351   0.1100      0.1090
  13006  13007   42.3    0.1575   0.1385      0.1610
  13007  13008   41.7    0.1436   0.1329      0.1480
  13007  13009   90.0    0.1348   0.2201      0.1480
  13007  13010   38.2    0.1530   0.1563      0.1610
  18672  18673   86.0    0.1515   0.2646      0.1530
  18673  18674   92.0    0.1407   1.1474      0.1430
  18674  18675  124.6    0.1445  23.3042      0.1610
  18675  18677   82.6    0.1723  23.9350      0.1480
  18675  18678  106.9    0.1522  23.6614      0.1610
  18678  18679   89.6    0.1402   0.9389      0.1430
  18679  18680   92.0    0.1552   0.1875      0.1530
  18723  18724   62.7    0.1687  73.2199      0.1470
  18724  18725   89.5    0.1607   0.8262      0.1530
  18725  18726   90.8    0.1420   0.1872      0.1430
  18720  18723  156.7    0.1620  84.7622      0.1470
  18721  18723   66.7    0.1602  72.9378      0.1470
  18722  18723   67.9    0.1335  72.8562      0.1470
  20543  20544   88.9    0.1496   0.1505      0.1470
  20544  20545   30.8    0.1570   0.1781      0.1530
  20540  20543   89.5    0.1331   0.2780      0.1470
  20541  20543   89.3    0.1499   0.1735      0.1470
  20542  20543   89.2    0.1426   0.1755      0.1470
Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
step 0
Step 1, time 0.002 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 0.060079, max 4.753909 (between atoms 18723 and 18724)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
   2381   2382   91.7    0.1052   0.1585      0.1090
   2426   2427   89.9    0.1266   0.1348      0.1080
   3148   3163   63.4    0.1598   0.1607      0.1522
   3163   3164   56.3    0.1267   0.1374      0.1229
   4036   4037   61.4    0.1077   0.1036      0.1090
   5382   5384   57.9    0.1093   0.1084      0.1090
   5956   5959   89.7    0.1828   0.1869      0.1090
   5960   5961   89.8    0.1267   0.1713      0.1229
   6029   6031   88.4    1.2008   0.1217      0.1090
   6038   6040   42.5    0.1043   0.0979      0.1010
   6887   6889   89.8    0.1100   0.1079      0.1090
  13006  13007   39.8    0.1385   0.1539      0.1610
  13007  13008   34.7    0.1329   0.1585      0.1480
  13007  13009   90.1    0.2201   0.1396      0.1480
  13007  13010   34.8    0.1563   0.1584      0.1610
  18672  18673   90.6    0.2646   0.1529      0.1530
  18673  18674   91.7    1.1474   0.1412      0.1430
  18674  18675   83.9   23.3042   0.1117      0.1610
  18675  18677   83.9   23.9350   0.1883      0.1480
  18675  18678   76.6   23.6614   0.1548      0.1610
  18678  18679   90.3    0.9389   0.1455      0.1430
  18679  18680   90.7    0.1875   0.1534      0.1530
  18723  18724   67.7   73.2199   0.8458      0.1470
  18724  18725   89.8    0.8262   0.8169      0.1530
  18725  18726   89.9    0.1872   0.5024      0.1430
  18720  18723   43.1   84.7622   0.4501      0.1470
  18721  18723   67.4   72.9378   0.6694      0.1470
  18722  18723   70.6   72.8562   0.6095      0.1470
  20543  20544   92.0    0.1505   0.1906      0.1470
  20544  20545   59.1    0.1781   0.1071      0.1530
  20540  20543   89.3    0.2780   0.1317      0.1470
  20541  20543   92.0    0.1735   0.1469      0.1470
  20542  20543   92.0    0.1755   0.1421      0.1470

step 1: One or more water molecules can not be settled.
Check for bad contacts and/or reduce the timestep if appropriate.
Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
My minimization ran properly. I can't understang why it is happening

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