[gmx-users] Unreadable logfile after restart

Gianfranco Abrusci gianfranco.abrusci at unitn.it
Sun Aug 11 11:03:04 CEST 2019

Hi everyone,
I restarted a simulation that ended due to walltime. The simulation seems
to continue, but, if I try to read the log file, it is unaccessible.
This is the error when accessing the logfile:
tail: error reading ‘md_plumed_nose.log’: Input/output error
tail: ‘md_plumed_nose.log’ has become accessible
tail: error reading ‘md_plumed_nose.log’: Input/output error
I can see that the files (xtc, edr) increase in size. I wonder whether I am
missing something in the restart command, or the behaviour is somehow

Here the details:
gromacs 2019.2, patched with plumed-2.5.2.

The first run:
`gmx mdrun -deffnm md_plumed_nose -v -gpu_id 0 -cpi -plumed plumed.dat
-ntomp $NP -pin on`
The restart run:
`mx mdrun -deffnm md_plumed_nose -s md_plumed_nose.tpr -v -gpu_id 0 -cpi
md_plumed_nose.cpt -plumed plumed.dat -ntomp $NP -pin on`

Also the file written by plumed continues being written. And the same
behaviour occurs without using `-plumed plumed.dat`

Thank you for your time!

Gianfranco Abrusci

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