[gmx-users] grompp is using a very large amount of memory on a modestly-sized system
Sean Marks
semarks at seas.upenn.edu
Fri Mar 8 17:35:28 CET 2019
Hi, everyone,
I am running into an issue where grompp is using a tremendous amount of
memory and crashing, even though my system is not especially large (63976
I am using GROMACS 2016.3.
My system consists of liquid water (7,930 molecules) next to a block of ice
(8,094 molecules). The ice oxygens are restrained to their lattice position
with a harmonic potential with strength k = 4,000 kJ/mol/nm^2. I am using
the TIP4P/Ice model, which is a rigid 4-site model with a negative partial
charge located on a virtual site rather than the oxygen.
My goal is to systematically reduce the electrostatic interactions between
the water molecules and the position-restrained ice, while leaving
water-water and ice-ice interactions unaffected.
To accomplish this, I am modeling all of the ice molecules using a single
moleculetype so that I can take advantages of GROMACS' FEP features to
selectively scale interactions. I explicitly specify all constraints and
exclusions in the topology file. This moleculetype contains one virtual
site, 3 constraints, and 4 exclusions per "residue" (ice molecule).
When I run grompp, I receive the following error, which I think means that
a huge block of memory (~9 GB) was requested but could not be allocated:
Command line:
gmx grompp -f npt.mdp -c md.gro -p topol.top -n index.ndx -r
initconf_packmol.gro -o input.tpr -maxwarn 2 -pp processed.top
Generated 21 of the 21 non-bonded parameter combinations
Generating 1-4 interactions: fudge = 0.5
Generated 21 of the 21 1-4 parameter combinations
Excluding 3 bonded neighbours molecule type 'ICE'
turning H bonds into constraints...
Excluding 3 bonded neighbours molecule type 'SOL'
turning H bonds into constraints...
Coupling 1 copies of molecule type 'ICE'
Setting gen_seed to 1021640799
Velocities were taken from a Maxwell distribution at 273 K
Cleaning up constraints and constant bonded interactions with virtual sites
Removing all charge groups because cutoff-scheme=Verlet
Program: gmx grompp, version 2016.3
Source file: src/gromacs/utility/smalloc.cpp (line 226)
Fatal error:
Not enough memory. Failed to realloc -8589934588 bytes for il->iatoms,
(called from file
line 565)
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors
In the hope that it helps with diagnosing the problem, here is my mdp file:
; Water and ice
; Molecular dynamics
integrator = md ; Leapfrog
dt = 0.002 ; 2 fs - time step [ps]
nsteps = 5000000 ; 10 ns - run time [steps]
; Center of mass motion (COMM) removal
comm-mode = none ; Linear
nstcomm = 10 ; Removal frequency (>=
nstcalcenergy) [steps]
comm-grps = System ; Groups for COMM removal (blank =>
whole system)
; Initial velocities
gen_vel = yes ; Generate velocities using Boltzmann
gen_temp = 273 ; Temperature for Boltzmann distribution
gen_seed = -1 ; Seed for RNG is the job ID
nstcalcenergy = 1 ; Frequency of energy calculation [steps]
; Output frequency for coords (x), velocities (v) and forces (f)
; trr
nstxout = 0 ; never - print coordinates [steps]
nstvout = 0 ; never - print velocities [steps]
nstfout = 0 ; never - print forces [steps]
; Log end edr files
nstlog = 2500 ; 5 ps - print energies to log file
nstenergy = 2500 ; 5 ps - print energies to energy file
; xtc
nstxout-compressed = 2500 ; 5 ps - print coordinates to xtc file
compressed-x-precision = 1000 ; Number of zeros = number of places
after decimal point
compressed-x-grps = System ; Groups to write to xtc file
pbc = xyz
periodic_molecules = no ; Rigid graphene has no intramolecule
cutoff-scheme = Verlet
nstlist = 10 ; Neighbor list update frequency [steps]
ns-type = grid ; More efficient than simple search
verlet-buffer-tolerance = 0.005 ; [kJ/mol/ps] (-1.0 --> use rlist)
rlist = 1.0 ; Cutoff distance for short-range
neighbor list [nm]
vdwtype = Cut-off
vdw-modifier = Potential-shift-Verlet
rvdw = 1.0 ; Radius for vdW cutoff [nm]
DispCorr = no
coulombtype = PME ; Fast, smooth, particle mesh Ewald
coulomb-modifier = Potential-shift-Verlet
rcoulomb = 1.0 ; Short-range Coulomb cutoff [nm]
epsilon-r = 1 ; Relative dielectric constant
; Ewald/PME/PPPM parameters
fourierspacing = 0.12 ; FFT grid spacing [nm]
pme_order = 4 ; Cubic interpolation of PME grid
ewald-rtol = 1e-05 ;
ewald-geometry = 3d ; 3-D charge treatment
epsilon-surface = 0 ; No dipole correction
Tcoupl = V-rescale ; stochastic velocity-rescale
nstTcouple = 1
tc-grps = ICE SOL ; Groups which are controlled
tau_T = 0.5 0.5 ; Time constant for coupling [ps]
ref_T = 273.0 273.0 ; Temperature setpoint [K]
Pcoupl = Parrinello-Rahman ; (options:
Pcoupltype = anisotropic
nstPcouple = 1
tau-P = 4.0 ; Time constant for coupling [ps]
ref-P = 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ;
Pressure setpoint [bar]
compressibility = 0.0 4.8e-5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ;
Approximate compressibility [bar^-1]
refcoord-scaling = no
constraints = H-bonds ; Convert bonds with H to constraints
constraint_algorithm = LINCS ; Best choice if you don't have angle
lincs-order = 4 ; Highest order in expansion of
constraint coupling matrix
lincs-iter = 1 ; More iterations --> higher accuracy
continuation = no ;
; Use GROMACS' FEP features to scale ice-water electrostatics, while leaving
; ice-ice electrostatics unaffected.
; - This setup: lambda = scaling factor for interactions (ranges from 0 to
free-energy = yes ; turns on FEP
couple-moltype = ICE ; group for coupling
couple-intramol = no ; don't adjust ice-ice interactions
couple-lambda0 = vdw ; ice-water electrostatics are off at lambda=0
couple-lambda1 = vdw-q ; all interactions are on at lambda=1
init-lambda = 0.5 ; value of lambda (stays fixed with this setup)
delta-lambda = 0.0 ; don't change lambda
nstdhdl = 0 ; no extra output needed
dhdl-derivatives = no ; no extra output needed
Thank you for your time.
Sean M. Marks
PhD Candidate
Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
University of Pennsylvania
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