[gmx-users] High pressure variation during NPT equilibration of Protein-ligand system.
Seketoulie Keretsu
sekekeretsu at gmail.com
Tue May 21 07:36:20 CEST 2019
Dear Experts,
I am performing a protein-ligand stimulation in gromacs 2018. The
pressure value showed wild variation between -800 to 500 bar and
showed an average pressure value of -139 bar. The reference is 1 bar.
I have used the "lysozyme in water" simulation tutorial by Justin A.
Lemkul as a reference. The tutorial mentioned that 7.5 (+- 160) bar
was reasonable for the system. I'm not sure if the value I am getting
in my simulation results (-139 bar variation in pressure) are
reasonable. Kindly advise. How do i justify this ?
References and suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you.
Note: The pressure values from the NPT are given below:
# This file was created Tue May 14 21:24:43 2019
# Created by:
# :-) GROMACS - gmx energy, 2018.4 (-:
# Executable: /usr/local/gromacs/bin/gmx
# Data prefix: /usr/local/gromacs
# Working dir: /home/biopo5/tutorial/Project4/JAK1/cmp49_jak1
# Command line:
# gmx energy -f nvt.edr -o pressure.xvg
# gmx energy is part of G R O M A C S:
# Gromacs Runs One Microsecond At Cannonball Speeds
@ title "GROMACS Energies"
@ xaxis label "Time (ps)"
@ yaxis label "(bar)"
@TYPE xy
@ view 0.15, 0.15, 0.75, 0.85
@ legend on
@ legend box on
@ legend loctype view
@ legend 0.78, 0.8
@ legend length 2
@ s0 legend "Pressure"
0.000000 -3931.674805
1.000000 528.706482
2.000000 27.634497
3.000000 -130.418900
4.000000 -491.462982
5.000000 3.087336
6.000000 -246.631638
7.000000 -86.932167
8.000000 -453.551422
9.000000 -46.325455
10.000000 270.657562
11.000000 -432.105682
12.000000 -578.059326
13.000000 -397.159760
14.000000 180.598190
15.000000 -159.344788
16.000000 -122.911415
17.000000 470.059418
18.000000 -375.501251
19.000000 -310.881561
20.000000 68.639618
21.000000 157.454422
22.000000 -619.447388
23.000000 -130.864059
24.000000 58.016773
25.000000 -132.054276
26.000000 114.288574
27.000000 -108.022186
28.000000 -235.894424
29.000000 -398.703217
30.000000 252.965332
31.000000 -269.996368
32.000000 -58.096252
33.000000 -291.578918
34.000000 15.896652
35.000000 53.429890
36.000000 43.522858
37.000000 -442.695190
38.000000 111.608665
39.000000 -12.626378
40.000000 -136.936111
41.000000 182.577164
42.000000 -68.747620
43.000000 121.546547
44.000000 127.403526
45.000000 -248.055176
46.000000 184.869797
47.000000 162.962906
48.000000 -387.420013
49.000000 228.167648
50.000000 348.351471
51.000000 -462.909180
52.000000 -234.574936
53.000000 -224.565689
54.000000 311.879456
55.000000 -404.242920
56.000000 -740.461182
57.000000 38.036850
58.000000 -677.158447
59.000000 -117.842407
60.000000 -20.302151
61.000000 -558.201233
62.000000 218.174881
63.000000 -269.575531
64.000000 -153.398697
65.000000 178.027954
66.000000 -193.050797
67.000000 -590.598694
68.000000 -487.503754
69.000000 171.980606
70.000000 84.821785
71.000000 -219.844803
72.000000 -228.680954
73.000000 -145.632614
74.000000 47.675121
75.000000 -310.033478
76.000000 -705.341248
77.000000 212.275406
78.000000 24.035654
79.000000 -221.810410
80.000000 -189.725708
81.000000 217.696289
82.000000 427.632660
83.000000 249.210770
84.000000 -405.385956
85.000000 78.898247
86.000000 -19.268747
87.000000 85.342247
88.000000 155.808731
89.000000 2.646250
90.000000 -284.466888
91.000000 152.030930
92.000000 280.804352
93.000000 -182.475830
94.000000 -268.784149
95.000000 -470.018829
96.000000 -163.642685
97.000000 291.026855
98.000000 -982.940430
99.000000 155.447800
100.000000 77.415077
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