[gmx-users] debugging

Miro Astore miro.astore at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 12:17:11 CEST 2020

Hi all,

I am interested in how Gromacs works at the back end but I don't have much
C experience so this might be silly.

I have noticed that one of my systems that includes virtual sites parses
fine through grompp in gromacs 2019.1 and 3 but fails in 2020.1 with a
segmentation fault.
21169 Segmentation fault      (core dumped)
I'd like to try and debug this further. Should I try and go after this

Miro A. Astore   (he/him)
PhD Candidate | Computational Biophysics
Office 434 A28 School of Physics
University of Sydney

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