[gmx-users] How to cap a single residue in gromacs

Alessandra Villa alessandra.villa.biosim at gmail.com
Wed Feb 19 09:23:46 CET 2020


On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 4:30 PM Sadaf Rani <sadafrani6 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Gromacs users
> I am trying to make a system with 1 single amino acid(PHE) and 1 Ligand
> when I run pdb2gmx it gives me error:-
> Fatal error:
> In the chosen force field there is no residue type for 'PHE' as a
> standalone
> (starting & ending) residue
> I added ACE and NME terminals as below in the gro file:-
> 1ACE     HC    1   0.000   0.000   0.000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
>     1ACE     CT    2   0.000   0.000   0.000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
>     1ACE     HC    3   0.000   0.000   0.000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
>     1ACE     HC    4   0.000   0.000   0.000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
>     1ACE      C    5   0.000   0.000   0.000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
>     1ACE      O    6   0.000   0.000   0.000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
>     2PHE      N    7   5.066   4.671   6.042  0.2692 -0.2632  0.1330
>     2PHE      H    8   5.027   4.600   5.982 -1.5227  1.0889 -0.3963
>     2PHE     CA    9   5.013   4.811   6.023  0.0535  0.3709  0.0960
>     2PHE     HA   10   5.058   4.868   6.105 -1.0081  1.0531  0.2242
>     2PHE     CB   11   5.052   4.871   5.883 -0.0860  0.7332  0.2870
>     2PHE    HB1   12   4.990   4.822   5.809  1.1212 -0.4628  0.0312
>     2PHE    HB2   13   5.153   4.841   5.853  0.2157  2.3973 -0.5141
>     2PHE     CG   14   5.062   5.017   5.867  0.0161  0.4565  0.5724
>     2PHE    CD1   15   4.951   5.101   5.874 -0.1757 -0.2234 -0.3056
>     2PHE    HD1   16   4.855   5.054   5.884 -0.9265  1.6156  2.3658
>     2PHE    CE1   17   4.958   5.242   5.856 -0.3304  0.7195  0.1599
>     2PHE    HE1   18   4.866   5.298   5.857  0.2928  1.7852 -0.4831
>     2PHE     CZ   19   5.085   5.297   5.832 -0.3945 -1.0394 -0.7463
>     2PHE     HZ   20   5.101   5.404   5.842 -0.5983 -1.2279  3.1660
>     2PHE    CE2   21   5.200   5.216   5.830 -0.1669 -0.6131  1.1550
>     2PHE    HE2   22   5.293   5.264   5.804 -1.0122  1.2508  1.4080
>     2PHE    CD2   23   5.186   5.075   5.852  0.3885  0.2183 -0.6920
>     2PHE    HD2   24   5.276   5.015   5.847 -0.0823 -0.3875 -3.1559
>     2PHE      C   25   4.859   4.799   6.042  0.1650 -0.6772  0.7098
>     2PHE      O   26   4.794   4.721   5.968  0.0339  0.0386 -0.1578
>     3NME      N   27   0.000   0.000   0.000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
>     3NME      H   28   0.000   0.000   0.000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
>     3NME     CT   29   0.000   0.000   0.000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
>     3NME     H1   30   0.000   0.000   0.000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
>     3NME     H1   31   0.000   0.000   0.000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
>     3NME     H1   32   0.000   0.000   0.000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
>     4G6P      P   33   5.063   5.809   5.979  0.5468  0.1315 -0.0198
>     4G6P    O1P   34   5.208   5.823   5.982  0.3151 -0.5087  0.1960
>     4G6P    O2P   35   5.020   5.704   6.075  0.0937 -0.0791 -0.0538
>     4G6P    O3P   36   5.028   5.939   6.039 -0.2953  0.3030 -0.2016
>     4G6P     C1   37   4.985   5.671   5.430  0.5407  0.1917  0.2635
>     4G6P     O1   38   5.118   5.662   5.388 -0.4011  0.4548 -0.8044
>     4G6P     C2   39   4.889   5.558   5.383  0.3352  0.1447  0.3610
>     4G6P     O2   40   4.876   5.546   5.239 -0.2019 -0.6192 -1.0434
>     4G6P     C3   41   4.753   5.566   5.458  0.0668  0.4155 -0.3386
>     4G6P     O3   42   4.674   5.438   5.425 -0.8214  0.3092 -0.1367
>     4G6P     C4   43   4.783   5.561   5.611  0.3702 -0.3821 -0.5929
>     4G6P     O4   44   4.661   5.608   5.676 -0.1025  0.6063 -0.0795
>     4G6P     C5   45   4.890   5.667   5.654 -0.3851  0.4555 -0.1137
>     4G6P     O5   46   5.006   5.658   5.573 -0.0288  0.1296 -0.6207
>     4G6P     C6   47   4.935   5.670   5.809 -0.1636  0.0426  0.3771
>     4G6P     O6   48   5.001   5.791   5.841  0.2972 -0.6933 -0.1489
>     4G6P     H1   49   4.939   5.768   5.412  2.0772  1.3511  2.0534
>     4G6P     H2   50   4.932   5.464   5.418  0.0848 -0.0506  0.1425
>     4G6P     H3   51   4.706   5.660   5.427  0.9723  0.2387 -2.4228
>     4G6P     H4   52   4.804   5.459   5.646 -0.3467 -0.2084  0.3693
>     4G6P     H5   53   4.845   5.766   5.640 -0.6619  0.2119 -1.0742
>     4G6P    H61   54   5.002   5.587   5.833  2.3826  1.5930 -0.8342
>     4G6P    H62   55   4.851   5.665   5.878  1.0230  1.5442  2.0329
>     4G6P    HO1   56   5.160   5.619   5.465  0. 23 -0.1270 -1.6233
>     4G6P    HO2   57   4.816   5.469   5.232 -0.0502 -0.7762 -0.6581
>     4G6P    HO3   58   4.671   5.441   5.328  0.3044  0.1862 -0.1954
>     4G6P    HO4   59   4.649   5.553   5.755 -1.5501  2.1018  0.8000
> NOTE that several atoms in the above gro file have the same (0. 0. 0.)
That may cause a crash when you start the simulation

> However, it still claims the same error.
> How should I add this in force field file? How can I use -ter command that
> it can add N and C termini itself to the residue?

Yes the first thing I will do is to try is -ter.
Different force fields have different  termini definition
(maybe the force field has already ACE and NME)

Best regards

> I would really thankful for your suggestions.
> Thanks.
> Sadaf
> --
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