[gmx-developers] Re: making holes in bilayers

Graham Smith smithgr at cancer.org.uk
Fri Oct 25 20:08:44 CEST 2002

Hi -

It's over a week now since I uploaded the hole-making code to the web
site and I haven't had any "doesn't compile"/"doesn't work" emails, so
I think it's more or less OK. It would be nice if you could consider
merging the code into the main mdrun source for the next release, if
it's up to scratch.

Let me know if there's anything else you need - eg I can try to cut
down the lengthy html how-to into some latex that could go in the



Dr. Graham R. Smith, 		       Department of Biological Sciences,  
Biomolecular Modelling Laboratory,     Biochemistry Building,              	
Cancer Research UK, 		       Imperial College of Science,        	
44 Lincoln's Inn Fields, 	        Technology & Medicine,             	
London WC2A 3PX,		       London SW7 2AZ,                     	
U.K. 				       U.K.                                	
Tel: +44-(0)20 7269 3348 	       Tel: +44-(0)20 7594 5737            	
email: graham.smith at cancer.org.uk	
URL: http://www.bmm.icnet.uk/~smithgr

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