[gmx-developers] Benchmark Errors & 3.2.0 Performace Loss

Erik Lindahl lindahl at csb.stanford.edu
Wed Mar 3 00:33:38 CET 2004

Hi Josh,

Thanks, this is a lot of useful stuff that I'll try to digest in a week 
or two.

The performance loss does sound a bit strange, though - the innerloops 
haven't changed at all apart from the Athlon fix, and that part I've 
benchmarked very carefully. Could you look in your logfile and check

1. If you are using SSE/Altivec inner loops
2. The breakdown of the flopcount reports
3. If you are using the same compilers in both cases

Whatever you do, stay away from the IBM compilers on OS X for now; they 
are still incredibly buggy for Altivec code.



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