[gmx-developers] Is it a bug ?

xuji xuji at home.ipe.ac.cn
Mon Nov 17 01:31:27 CET 2008

Hi all gromacs developers:

In file named "domdec_top.c" line 1030,                             
>bUse = ((ic < nicell && ic <= kc &&
>icell[ic].j0 <= kc && kc < icell[ic].j1) ||
>kc < nicell && ic >  kc &&
>icell[kc].j0 <= ic && ic < icell[kc].j1));
the second line of above. The comparing of kc with icell[ic].j1
may be wrong. Please check it and tell me whether it's a bug.
Appreciate any help in advance!


Ji Xu
xuji at home.ipe.ac.cn

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