[gmx-developers] Gromacs source-code integrate with Eclipse IDE - Help

Rodrigo faccioli rodrigo_faccioli at uol.com.br
Thu Jan 14 16:14:01 CET 2010

Hi all,

I've tried to integrate Eclipse IDE and Gromacs source-code because I've
worked with Eclipse in my Python and Java programs. Unfortunately, I can't
do it works fine. I want to do it because I've studied the Gromacs
source-code and now the time to use it in my PhD project came.

My steps to try realized it was:

   1. Import C++ project where I chose the Git Repository Option.
   2. I put the link git://git.gromacs.org/gromacs.git which I obtained from
   Gromacs website at
   3. I check the option: Import project after clone.

I get the Gromacs source-code from Git. However, I can't import Gromacs
files in my Eclipse project . I tried to run bootstrap command which did not
work too.

I searched about it on web and I found the Bioclipse project which tells
about Eclipse and Gromacs work together. However, I did not find
documentation about it enough. So, my question is: I need to install the
Bioclipse or is there other way?

I appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance.

Rodrigo Antonio Faccioli
Ph.D Student in Electrical Engineering
University of Sao Paulo - USP
Engineering School of Sao Carlos - EESC
Department of Electrical Engineering - SEL
Intelligent System in Structure Bioinformatics
Phone: 55 (16) 3373-9366 Ext 229
Curriculum Lattes - http://lattes.cnpq.br/1025157978990218
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