[gmx-developers] private branch problem

Szilárd Páll szilard.pall at cbr.su.se
Tue Jul 10 18:28:07 CEST 2012

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 6:20 PM, Berk Hess <hess at kth.se> wrote:
> On 07/10/2012 06:06 PM, Roland Schulz wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 11:44 AM, Berk Hess <hess at kth.se> wrote:
>>> On 07/10/2012 05:19 PM, Roland Schulz wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Berk Hess <hess at kth.se> wrote:
>>>>> But if private branches only act as a git repository, there's no point.
>>>>> Then I would suggest to create a private repository on the gromacs
>>>>> server.
>>>> The difference is that to create branches and set permissions on
>>>> git.gromacs.org one has to ask one of the admins. The private branches
>>>> lets one create branches and set the permissions for the own private
>>>> branches oneself.
>>>> But personally I think github is more convenient to use and might be
>>>> the best option for most private branches.
>>>> Roland
>>> There might be trade offs between simplicity, features and maintenance
>>> effort.
>>> I am not up to date on the configurations of the repositories and their
>>> options.
>>> It could be convenient to have the ability to use the gerrit testing
>>> system on private branches,
>> I don't think it is possible to configure Jenkins to auto-build for
>> private branches. But it is possible to build using "Build now" (e.g.
>> http://jenkins.gromacs.org/job/Gromacs_Gerrit_4_6/build) and give the
>> ref of the private branch. This works with any ref valid on gerrit or
>> git.gromacs.org. One cannot build branches which are only on external
>> repos (e.g. github).
>>> but on the other hand setting up a gerrit branch and especially pushing
>>> up a draft
>>> and triggering the build is non-trivial.
>> I agree. But unless we have more man-power we will need to wait until
>> others fix issues we report. All I can do is report bugs against
>> Gerrit/Jenkins, which I have done quite extensively. The main issue
>> with draft is going to be fixed in Gerrit 2.5
>> (http://code.google.com/p/gerrit/issues/detail?id=1437)
>>> github might be the simplest option, but it would be good to concentrate
>>> the different
>>> gromacs "side"-projects in one place to create more of a community. The
>>> question
>>> is how much setup and maintenance effort this takes, as we are
>>> chronically short of
>>> project management man power.
>> Yes that's why I added the private branches in Gerrit. Because that
>> gave us a web-fronted for private repositories without much effort.
>> Why do you think it is less user-friendly then it would be on
>> git.gromacs.org? I don't think "git push origin
>> HEAD:refs/private/rschulz/test" is cryptic. I think it is a good idea
>> to have a username in the ref of private branches to know who is
>> mainly responsible for a given branch. Without it is e.g. difficult to
>> know whether a certain branch is still needed. Thus even on
>> git.gromacs.org I would suggest to make it "git push origin
>> HEAD:refs/rschulz/test". The reason on gerrit it has the extra
>> "private" is that otherwise the web-ui for the permissions got
>> overwhelming/confusing. And while the "private" makes it longer, I
>> thought it isn't a big deal.
>> Roland
> So reading these mails it seems that private branches on gerrit might be the
> best
> solution and everything is already set up, except maybe the permissions.
> I thinks we want to allow more people than just gmx-core to be able to start
> a private branch.
> But do we want to allow any registered user to do this? Then we have no (a
> priori) control.

if we want to manage everything through gerrit, I think we *need* a
more layered user hierarchy, possibly by introducing a new group e.g.
"gmx-dev" for developers with higher privileges than simple registered

> It would be good if a short description of the project is required for a
> private branch
> and that we can keep to of who has access or accesses the repositories.
> Cheers,
> Berk
>>> Cheers,
>>> Berk
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Berk
>>>>> On 07/10/2012 05:01 PM, Roland Schulz wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 4:55 AM, Jochen Hub <jhub at gwdg.de> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> one update:  In order to push to gerrit, I tried:
>>>>>>> $ git push private
>>>>>>> But his gives:
>>>>>>> [remote rejected] private_jochenhub/waxs ->
>>>>>>> refs/private/jochenhub/waxs
>>>>>>> (can not create new references)
>>>>>>> error: failed to push some refs to
>>>>>>> 'ssh://jochenhub@gerrit.gromacs.org:29418/gromacs'
>>>>>>> Does anyone know what this means?
>>>>>> The reason is that you are not in the gmx-core group and the private
>>>>>> branches are only available to gmx-core members.
>>>>>> Should I allow the creating of private branches for any registered
>>>>>> user? Or only per request and in this case for Jochen?
>>>>>> Or should I add Jochen to the gmx-core? Besides private branches,
>>>>>> gmx-core gives the permission to vote +2/-2 (opposed to only +1/-1)
>>>>>> and thus approve a change.
>>>>>> So far I added those to the gmx-core group which were already in the
>>>>>> gmx-core group on git.gromacs.org.
>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 5:37 AM, Berk Hess <hess at kth.se> wrote:
>>>>>>> But where do they end up then on the gerrit web pages?
>>>>>>> We don't want the main page to show private branches, I would think.
>>>>>> Private pages don't show up on the web page. Private branches don't
>>>>>> support code review. They only act as a git repository and the user
>>>>>> can set the permission for his own private branches himself.
>>>>>> Roland
>>>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>>>> Jochen
>>>>>>> Am 7/10/12 10:33 AM, schrieb Jochen Hub:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> I try to setup a private branch on gerrit that can be shared within
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> group. I followed the instruction in the Gerrit tutorial, added
>>>>>>>> these
>>>>>>>> lines to .git/config,
>>>>>>>> [remote "private"]
>>>>>>>>             fetch =
>>>>>>>> +refs/private/jochenhub/*:refs/remotes/private_jochenhub/*
>>>>>>>>             url = ssh://jochenhub@gerrit.gromacs.org:29418/gromacs
>>>>>>>>             push =
>>>>>>>> refs/heads/private_jochenhub/*:refs/private/jochenhub/*
>>>>>>>> and did a
>>>>>>>> $ git pull private release-4-5-patches
>>>>>>>> (just "git pull private" as stated in the tutorial did not work)
>>>>>>>> $ git checkout -b private_jochenhub/mybranch --track mybranch
>>>>>>>> where mybranch was a local branch already present. Now, "git branch"
>>>>>>>> lists (amount the other branches):
>>>>>>>> mybranch
>>>>>>>> private_jochenhub/mybranch
>>>>>>>> But now I am a bit stuck. How do push changes to gerrit, so people
>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>> my group can access it? And where can I set the permissions, since
>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>> the Gerrit site under Admin/Project/Access I don't see my private
>>>>>>>> branch. There is only a section "Reference:
>>>>>>>> refs/private/${username}/*",
>>>>>>>> which lists gmxcore under permissions.
>>>>>>>> Any help is highly appreciated!
>>>>>>>> Many tnanks,
>>>>>>>> Jochen
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Dr. Jochen Hub
>>>>>>> Computational Molecular Biophysics Group
>>>>>>> Institute for Microbiology and Genetics
>>>>>>> Georg-August-University of Göttingen
>>>>>>> Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 11, 37077 Göttingen, Germany.
>>>>>>> Phone: +49-551-39-14189
>>>>>>> http://cmb.bio.uni-goettingen.de/
>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> --
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