[gmx-developers] Mails rejected with "The message's content type was not explicitly allowed"

Berk Hess hess at kth.se
Fri Jul 20 14:19:52 CEST 2012

On 07/20/2012 01:55 PM, Justin Lemkul wrote:
> On 7/19/12 6:56 PM, Mark Abraham wrote:
>> On 5/07/2012 11:24 PM, Rossen Apostolov wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> Recently the Gromacs mailing lists have been used for sending spam and
>>> viruses, and thus now only plain text messages are accepted.
>>> If you have received rejected mails saying "The message's content 
>>> type was not
>>> explicitly allowed" it means that you have used in your mail special 
>>> styles or
>>> formatting (e.g. bold typeface, colors etc.).
>>> Check your email client settings about how to send messages as plain 
>>> text,
>>> e.g. in GMail make sure to click on "Compose -> Plain Text". Check also
>>> whether a formatted signature is added.
>>> Attachments are also not allowed but you could include links for 
>>> downloads.
>>> Rossen
>> Bump.
>> I'm happy banning attachments (there's lots of free upload space out 
>> there), but
>> think that explicitly requiring plain text email is a significant 
>> barrier to
>> participation. Some web mail clients don't permit a non-HTML mime 
>> type - that's
>> not our fault but we have to live in that jungle. Some people will 
>> walk away
>> without bothering to find out if they can configure plain text email. 
>> Others
>> will judge the technical competence of the team on their ability to 
>> run the
>> mailing list. If we need to outsource it somewhere, we should do that.
>> Mark
> I agree with Mark here.  It seems to me that traffic to the list has 
> been down for a couple of weeks relative to normal, but there may be 
> other factors for that.  What I do know is that I'm getting increasing 
> amounts of emails to my personal inbox starting with "I can't post to 
> the Gromacs list, so I'm sending this to you..." That's an increased 
> burden I'm not willing to bear.  I'm all for community contributions 
> (you all know that ;) but as soon as it becomes my responsibility to 
> handle Gromacs issues, I'm less inclined.
> -Justin
I think everyone agrees that we need to accept html mails.

The question is if we need some filter and when Rossen, or someone else, 
has time to fix this.



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