[gmx-developers] Updating docs for GitLab

Eric Irrgang ericirrgang at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 14:14:11 CET 2020

Hi Devs,

I created https://gitlab.com/gromacs/gromacs/-/issues/3449 to enumerate and track some updates that should be made to the docs and repository internals with respect to the move to GitLab.

I created a branch and merge request at https://gitlab.com/gromacs/gromacs/-/merge_requests/2 to which you should be able to contribute additional commits. I won't be able to follow up more in the near term, so I'll leave it to someone else to toggle its "work-in-progress" status when it seems useful to merge. (I don't think we need to check all of the boxes in the parent issue at once, necessarily.)

M. Eric Irrgang

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