[gmx-users] compile single/double precision and MPI versions

morris at sci.hkbu.edu.hk morris at sci.hkbu.edu.hk
Tue Oct 9 06:05:14 CEST 2001

Dear All GMX users,

I would like to ask a compilation problem from rpm source.
How to modify the spec files (gromacs, gromacs-mpi.spec) to
compile single and double precision of GROMACS at one time
with different suffixes (*, *_mpi,*_d, *_mpi_d) ?

Many thanks,

Morris Law
Assistant Computer Officer    Address : 224 Waterloo Road, KLN, Hong Kong
Science Faculty               Tel : (852) 23395909   Fax : (852) 23395862
Hong Kong Baptist University  WWW : http://www.sci.hkbu.edu.hk/~morris
Email : morris at hkbu.edu.hk  or  morrismmlaw at yahoo.com       ICQ : 6380626

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