[gmx-users] fixing backbone atoms

Pedro A Reche Gallardo reche at research.dfci.harvard.edu
Wed Apr 3 21:18:00 CEST 2002

Hi All, I am a beginner using gromacs, and I would like to know how to
fixed set of atoms (backbone) so that gromacs does not run a molecular
dymanics simulation on them.


PEDRO A. RECHE , pHD            TL: 617 632 3824
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute,   FX: 617 632 4569
Harvard Medical School,         EM: reche at research.dfci.harvard.edu
44 Binney Street, D1510A,       EM: reche at mifoundation.org
Boston, MA 02115                URL: http://www.reche.org

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