[gmx-users] genbox and interatomic distances

Markus O Kaukonen mokaukon at cc.helsinki.fi
Thu Apr 4 10:02:03 CEST 2002

Dear *,

I try to generate a 3x3x3 nm simulation box filled with 788
non-overlapping water molecules by saying

genbox -try 1000 -ci spc1.pdb -vdwd 0.10 -box 3 3 3 \
-nmol 788 -o 788H2O.pdb

I have removed the file vdwradii.dat

However, in the output file water molecules are often closer than 0.2 nm.

How I done something wrong
or is genbox the tool to do this job,
or does it only check solute-solvent distances ?
Any other tool to do the job?

Best Wishes, Markus

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