[gmx-users] Magic Number Error

Christofer Hofsäß chri at theophys.kth.se
Thu Feb 14 08:56:53 CET 2002


What can I do against: "Magic Number Error in XTC file (read 0, should
be 1995)"?

I have a .xtc file and want to use trjconv -f traj.xtc -skip 20 to reduce
my trajectory file. But I always get this error. When I check the .xtc file
with: ngmx -f traj.xtc -s topol.tpr everything works well and the .xtc file
seems to be o.k.

Could it have to do with the update of version 2 up to version 3? The first
part of these trajectory files have been calculated with version 2 the rest
with 3.0.

Best regards,
Christofer Hofsaess

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