[gmx-users] installing gromacs - segmentation fault

Erik Lindahl lindahl at stanford.edu
Thu Jun 6 20:02:22 CEST 2002

On Wed, 2002-06-05 at 18:43, Sidney Elmer wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a new user to Gromacs and I am trying to install the full package
> on my laptop.  It's a Sony R505DL with a Pentium 3 processor (new
> model).  I've run the configure script, followed by make, and then "make
> install".  I've saved the logs of each step to make sure there are no
> errors or warnings, and I see none.  Each step seems to run smoothly,
> but then when I try to execute any of the programs (mdrun, grompp,
> genbox, pdb2gmx, etc) they all give me a segmentation fault before any
> initialization takes place.  I've seen this happen before when the stack
> is full, but I have 256M of RAM, so I'm assuming this is not the
> problem.  Any help with this would be appreciated.
> Sid

Hi Sid,

What operating system and version (including kernel version) are you

What version of FFTW (if any) did you install?

Gromacs doesn't require much memory (say 10-20 Mb), so it's definitely
not a memory problem.



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