[gmx-users] compiling gromacs 3.1.3 on MacOSX

Valentin Gogonea v.gogonea at csuohio.csuohio.edu
Sat May 25 19:36:56 CEST 2002


I reformat the disk, reinstalled OSX and fink and than installed g77 and 
fftw with fink. So when I tried to install gromacs

./configure --disable-float  --disable-altivec-ppc

I got the following error:

configure: error: Cannot find any double precision dfftw.h or fftw.h
Do you have double precision FFTW installed? If you are using packages,
note that you also need fftw-devel to compile GROMACS. You can find the
software at www.fftw.org, and detailed instructions at www.gromacs.org.

Did you compiled fftw yourself?

If I try to compile myself it finds that g77 is not working. Do you have 
any suggestions?


On Wednesday, May 22, 2002, at 04:54 PM, rams at poori.biochem.uiowa.edu 

> The problem is not g77 but the gcc, which also gets installed along with
> that package.....
> Rams.
> On Wed, 22 May 2002, Erik Lindahl wrote:
>> rams at poori.biochem.uiowa.edu wrote:
>>> Yes Valentin - if you installed the g77/gcc 3.1 from the website
>>> http://dryden.biol.yorku.ca/darwin.html
>>> I was told the following fix should work.
>>> 1.  Install fink - if you have not
>>> 2.  use fink to uninstall g77
>>> 3.  Install the latest developer tools from APPLEs site.
>>> 4.  Then do fink install g77
>>> This however did not work for me, worth a shot before you go backup
>>> everything, reformat stuff etc...
>>> Rams.
>> I guess a work-around option could be to locate the langinfo library
>> somewhere and install it, but other things might be broken too by the
>> faulty g77...
>> PS: You don't need g77 for gromacs since we have altivec loops.
>> Cheers,
>> Erik
> --
> S. Ramaswamy
> Department of Biochemistry.
> University of Iowa.
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