[gmx-users] compiling gromacs 3.1.3 on MacOSX
David van der Spoel
spoel at xray.bmc.uu.se
Sat May 25 21:13:20 CEST 2002
On Sat, 25 May 2002, Valentin Gogonea wrote:
>I reformat the disk, reinstalled OSX and fink and than installed g77 and
>fftw with fink. So when I tried to install gromacs
>./configure --disable-float --disable-altivec-ppc
>I got the following error:
>configure: error: Cannot find any double precision dfftw.h or fftw.h
>Do you have double precision FFTW installed? If you are using packages,
>note that you also need fftw-devel to compile GROMACS. You can find the
>software at www.fftw.org, and detailed instructions at www.gromacs.org
Try setting the env flags to find fftw:
setenv CPPFLAGS -I/opt/fftw/include
setenv LDFLAGS -L/opt/fftw/lib
or wherever you have it installed...
Groeten, David.
Dr. David van der Spoel, Biomedical center, Dept. of Biochemistry
Husargatan 3, Box 576, 75123 Uppsala, Sweden
phone: 46 18 471 4205 fax: 46 18 511 755
spoel at xray.bmc.uu.se spoel at gromacs.org http://zorn.bmc.uu.se/~spoel
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