[gmx-users] possible compatibility issue

Luciane Vieira de Mello mello at cenargen.embrapa.br
Fri Feb 28 13:15:51 CET 2003

Dear all,

I've been using gmx 3.14 happily on RedHat7.2.  Now, after upgrading to
RH8.0 I find that while editconf and tpbconv still work, I can;t do the
dynamics.  I give the usual command

/usr/bin/mpirun C /usr/local/bin/mdrun_mpi -s restart1.tpr -v >&

And get the following

-rw-r--r--    1 mello    desenv          0 Feb 28 09:05 restart1.lis
-rw-------    1 mello    desenv     364544 Feb 28 09:05 core.13715

i.e. a binary core file and an empty lis file.

This does seem to be related to the version of RedHat since I get the same
on two different machines, server and workstation, that run 8.0.  Machines
with 7.2 continue fine.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance


|                  Dra. Luciane Vieira de Mello Rigden                    |
| e-mail: mello at cenargen.embrapa.br                                       |
| Embrapa Recursos Geneticos e Biotecnologia                              |
| Parque Estacao Biologica           |  http://www.cenargen.embrapa.br    |
| PqEB - Final - Av. W3 Norte        |  Phone:  +55 (61)448-4741          |
| 70770-900, Brasilia-D.F.-BRAZIL    |  Fax:    +55 (61)340-3658          |

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