[gmx-users] Re: Athlon Instabilities

Ing. Vojtěch Spiwok Vojtech.Spiwok at vscht.cz
Fri May 23 09:17:00 CEST 2003

I have experienced the same problem with crashes once
on Athlons Suse Linux cluster and several times on
Mandrake Linux PC, but not on PIII with Mandrake,
Xeon cluster with RedHat nor on Athlon with WindowsXP.
If the original tpr file is used to re-run the job it crashes again
exactly on the same place so it can not be due to overheating.
One can continue the job using tpbconv, but I experienced
that once this happens crashes tends to occure more and
more often.

Vojtech Spiwok
ICT Prague

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