[gmx-users] genbox

Dinesh Pinisetty dpinis1 at lsu.edu
Tue Aug 10 18:15:49 CEST 2004

Hi all,
       i tried to generate a monolayer of a membrane of 128 molecules.
 I took a single molecule with fifty atoms and then I used genbox to
multiply it to 128,I got monolayer but the head to head distance is too
weird, though i give 0.7 as head to head distance they look very far
apart.when I read manual about genbox I understood that it stacks
simulation boxes with molecules and thus they are very far apart,am I right
in this.....
 Now please anyone suggest how to get the distance between molecules very
close with head to head distance very low and all the molecules being in
same simulation box.Can I use genbox multiply and allow all the molecules
being in same box with head to head distance what i mention.........If yes
how,what are staements to be given.
 Please help me out in this regard..............
Thanking you,

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