[gmx-users] DNA on GROMACS?

Hwankyu Lee leehk at umich.edu
Fri Jul 30 22:42:01 CEST 2004

Dear gmx-users,

I've simulated peptide-lipid on GROMACS. Now, I will focus on DNA 
simulation and want to stick to the GROMACS for DNA simulation.
I've searched some questions and answers about DNA simulation in 
GROMACS homepage. Although some people try to use GROMACS for DNA 
simulation, it looks like it might be better to wait for another 
version of GROMACS, which will include AMBER forcefield.

1) I'm wondering which forcefield would be better for DNA on GROMACS at 
this moment.
2) Or  I better wait for next version of GROMACS??  If so, could you 
expect when the next version (including AMBER) will come out?


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