[gmx-users] Re: Organic Molecules

Michael Brunsteiner mbx0009 at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 18 13:29:45 CEST 2004

PEO - you are talking about polyethylene oxide, are you ?

A while ago I made myself a topology for one of these,
its CH3-O-(CH2-CH2-O)_4-CH3.
I used OPLS parameters and ESPD charges, calculated
with DFT/LDA (DMol3), should be a fairly decent model ...
extension to longer (or shorter) chains is straightforward. 
The rtp-entry and the corresponding PDB-file are included below.
You need to include it into your ffoplsaa.rtp file
then you can make the topology of an arbitrary number of
these, including solvent or any other molecules that
are covered by OPLS using pdb2gmx. (be careful to retain
the correct residue-name, atom names and sequence of atoms
for the PEO in your PDB file)

best wishes

; the rtp-entry ...

; ########################################################################
; C_10 O_5 H_22 (ethylene oxide)

[ eo5 ]
 [ atoms ]
   H03   opls_185    0.100     1
   C02   opls_181   -0.240     2
   H04   opls_185    0.100     3
   H05   opls_185    0.100     4
   O01   opls_180   -0.360     5
   C03   opls_182    0.050     6
   H06   opls_185    0.080     7
   H07   opls_185    0.080     8
   C04   opls_182    0.050     9
   H08   opls_185    0.080    10
   H09   opls_185    0.080    11
   O02   opls_180   -0.360    12
   C05   opls_182    0.050    13
   H10   opls_185    0.080    14
   H11   opls_185    0.080    15
   C06   opls_182    0.050    16
   H12   opls_185    0.080    17
   H13   opls_185    0.080    18
   O03   opls_180   -0.360    19
   C07   opls_182    0.050    20
   H14   opls_185    0.080    21
   H15   opls_185    0.080    22
   C08   opls_182    0.050    23
   H16   opls_185    0.080    24
   H17   opls_185    0.080    25
   O04   opls_180   -0.360    26
   C09   opls_182    0.050    27
   H18   opls_185    0.080    28
   H19   opls_185    0.080    29
   C10   opls_182    0.050    30
   H20   opls_185    0.080    31
   H21   opls_185    0.080    32
   O05   opls_180   -0.360    33
   C01   opls_181   -0.240    34
   H00   opls_185    0.100    35
   H02   opls_185    0.100    36
   H01   opls_185    0.100    37

  H03   C02     ;     1.11169   100000.0
  C02   H04     ;     1.10039   100000.0
  C02   H05     ;     1.11262   100000.0
  C02   O01     ;     1.39713   100000.0
  O01   C03     ;     1.39735   100000.0
  C03   H06     ;     1.11585   100000.0
  C03   H07     ;     1.11347   100000.0
  C03   C04     ;     1.50633   100000.0
  C04   H08     ;     1.10428   100000.0
  C04   H09     ;     1.11040   100000.0
  C04   O02     ;     1.40563   100000.0
  O02   C05     ;     1.40626   100000.0
  C05   H10     ;     1.10664   100000.0
  C05   H11     ;     1.11081   100000.0
  C05   C06     ;     1.51118   100000.0
  C06   H12     ;     1.10768   100000.0
  C06   H13     ;     1.11049   100000.0
  C06   O03     ;     1.40594   100000.0
  O03   C07     ;     1.40462   100000.0
  C07   H14     ;     1.10501   100000.0
  C07   H15     ;     1.11125   100000.0
  C07   C08     ;     1.50506   100000.0
  C08   H16     ;     1.11274   100000.0
  C08   H17     ;     1.11618   100000.0
  C08   O04     ;     1.39897   100000.0
  O04   C09     ;     1.40049   100000.0
  C09   H18     ;     1.11236   100000.0
  C09   H19     ;     1.11294   100000.0
  C09   C10     ;     1.50052   100000.0
  C10   H20     ;     1.11371   100000.0
  C10   H21     ;     1.11414   100000.0
  C10   O05     ;     1.39734   100000.0
  O05   C01     ;     1.39753   100000.0
  C01   H00     ;     1.11208   100000.0
  C01   H02     ;     1.11275   100000.0
  C01   H01     ;     1.10184   100000.0

; here starts the PDB file of one PEO_5

ATOM      1  C01 peo P   1       1.148   1.130  -0.736  0.00  0.00
ATOM      2  H01 peo P   1       0.966   1.000   0.239  0.00  0.00
ATOM      3  H02 peo P   1       2.118   1.269  -0.536  0.00  0.00
ATOM      4  H03 peo P   1       0.178   0.992  -0.936  0.00  0.00
ATOM      5  C02 peo P   1       0.987   2.112  -0.634  0.00  0.00
ATOM      6  H04 peo P   1       1.957   2.250  -0.435  0.00  0.00
ATOM      7  H05 peo P   1       0.017   1.973  -0.834  0.00  0.00
ATOM      8  O01 peo P   1       0.826   3.094  -0.533  0.00  0.00
ATOM      9  C03 peo P   1       0.665   4.075  -0.431  0.00  0.00
ATOM     10  H06 peo P   1       1.635   4.214  -0.231  0.00  0.00
ATOM     11  H07 peo P   1      -0.305   3.937  -0.631  0.00  0.00
ATOM     12  C04 peo P   1       0.504   5.057  -0.330  0.00  0.00
ATOM     13  H08 peo P   1       1.474   5.196  -0.130  0.00  0.00
ATOM     14  H09 peo P   1      -0.466   4.918  -0.530  0.00  0.00
ATOM     15  O02 peo P   1       0.343   6.039  -0.228  0.00  0.00
ATOM     16  C05 peo P   1       0.181   7.020  -0.127  0.00  0.00
ATOM     17  H10 peo P   1       1.151   7.159   0.073  0.00  0.00
ATOM     18  H11 peo P   1      -0.789   6.882  -0.327  0.00  0.00
ATOM     19  C06 peo P   1       0.020   8.002  -0.025  0.00  0.00
ATOM     20  H12 peo P   1       0.990   8.141   0.175  0.00  0.00
ATOM     21  H13 peo P   1      -0.950   7.864  -0.225  0.00  0.00
ATOM     22  O03 peo P   1      -0.141   8.984   0.076  0.00  0.00
ATOM     23  C07 peo P   1      -0.302   9.966   0.178  0.00  0.00
ATOM     24  H14 peo P   1       0.668  10.104   0.378  0.00  0.00
ATOM     25  H15 peo P   1      -1.272   9.827  -0.022  0.00  0.00
ATOM     26  C08 peo P   1      -0.463  10.947   0.279  0.00  0.00
ATOM     27  H16 peo P   1       0.507  11.086   0.479  0.00  0.00
ATOM     28  H17 peo P   1      -1.433  10.809   0.079  0.00  0.00
ATOM     29  O04 peo P   1      -0.624  11.929   0.381  0.00  0.00
ATOM     30  C09 peo P   1      -0.785  12.911   0.482  0.00  0.00
ATOM     31  H18 peo P   1       0.185  13.049   0.682  0.00  0.00
ATOM     32  H19 peo P   1      -1.755  12.772   0.283  0.00  0.00
ATOM     33  C10 peo P   1      -0.946  13.892   0.584  0.00  0.00
ATOM     34  H20 peo P   1       0.024  14.031   0.784  0.00  0.00
ATOM     35  H21 peo P   1      -1.916  13.754   0.384  0.00  0.00
ATOM     36  O05 peo P   1      -1.107  14.874   0.685  0.00  0.00
ATOM     37  H22 peo P   1      -1.289  14.743   1.660  0.00  0.00

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