[gmx-users] gromacs and cluster

Mark Abraham Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au
Fri Dec 9 00:30:37 CET 2005

Oliver Beckstein wrote:

>>> #!/bin/sh
>>> ### Job name
>>> #PBS  -N  pbsjob
>>> ### Output files
> If this is really a verbatim copy your PBS input file then I think you  
> made the mistake of using a 'dash' character (looks a bit like '--')  
> instead of the minus '-' in the options:

>>> #PBS �o pbsjob.out
> And as already pointed out, the commands are almost certainly called  
> 'lamboot' ,'cd', anf 'lamhalt'. In UNIX case matters.

It sounds like the original poster is using something bizarre to write 
text files or their email - autocapitalisation and weird hyphens. They 
should be finding a text editor and getting to know and love it. I 
recommend emacs, but please suit yourself.


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