[gmx-users] Simulating infinite polymer crystal structure

Malin Bergenstråhle malbe at kth.se
Thu Dec 29 15:44:53 CET 2005

Hi all,

I am trying to simulate a system consisting of 16 infinite polymer 
chains in a crystal structure.
I have a lot of troubles with simulations crashing due to Lincs 
complaining about rotating bonds (see dump from a typical logfile below).

My system is organized with the 16 chains in 4 layers with 4 chains 
each. The two central layers are position restrained to act bulk and the 
outer 8 chains are allowed to move.
I have not been able to figure out what causes the crashes but it seems 
as if two atoms get very close to eachother and then suddenly one of 
them start rotating. I wonder if anybody has experience from simulating 
infinite crystal polymer structures before? The polymer I am using is 
cellulose with 2 cellobiose units per chain.

One specific thing that I wonder if it could cause such problems is that 
my system is not relaxed, the 2 central layers are fixed in the 
experimental crystal structure. Although, when I try simulating one 
chain it works fine and also sometimes with the whole system it works, 
it is just very very unreliable and when it starts crashing it is 
difficult to get it stable again.

Any comments would be nice.


Step 47430, time 47.43 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 0.028302 (between atoms 5 and 6) rms 0.000658
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
      4      5   46.2    0.1435   0.1424      0.1435
      5      6   67.2    0.1000   0.1028      0.1000
     81     82   47.6    0.1000   0.1012      0.1000

Step 47431, time 47.431 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 0.076858 (between atoms 5 and 6) rms 0.001591
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
      4      5   35.6    0.1424   0.1424      0.1435
      5      6   94.5    0.1028   0.1077      0.1000
     81     82   45.8    0.1012   0.1001      0.1000

Step 47432, time 47.432 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 12.802402 (between atoms 4 and 5) rms 0.411134
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
      1      2   94.6    0.1435   0.2582      0.1435
      1      7   36.8    0.1520   0.1925      0.1520
     56      1   48.5    0.1435   0.2066      0.1435
      2      3  100.5    0.1435   0.6530      0.1435
      3      4  102.7    0.1519   0.5980      0.1520
      3     13   98.9    0.1520   0.7495      0.1520
      4      5   94.6    0.1424   1.9806      0.1435
      5      6   96.0    0.1077   0.9881      0.1000
      7     10   52.7    0.1520   0.2386      0.1520
     10     11   55.6    0.1435   0.2351      0.1435
     10     13   95.9    0.1520   1.0668      0.1520
     13     14  100.1    0.1435   0.6664      0.1435
     14     15   94.4    0.1435   1.2567      0.1435
     15     16  105.2    0.1435   0.4742      0.1435
     15     21  100.7    0.1520   0.3847      0.1520
     16     17   73.0    0.1435   0.2353      0.1435
     17     18   31.8    0.1520   0.1793      0.1520
     21     22   73.8    0.1435   0.2583      0.1435
     21     24   67.5    0.1520   0.2454      0.1520
     22     23   54.5    0.1000   0.1558      0.1000
     24     25   31.7    0.1435   0.1708      0.1435
     81     82   42.0    0.1001   0.0990      0.1000
Constraint error in algorithm Lincs at step 47432
Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates

Step 47433, time 47.433 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 134.873215 (between atoms 21 and 22) rms 6.610656
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
      1      2  113.0    0.2582   0.7208      0.1435
      1      7  103.7    0.1925   4.1936      0.1520
     56      1  120.7    0.2066   0.6874      0.1435
      2      3  150.9    0.6530   0.9020      0.1435
      3      4  102.2    0.5980   3.6322      0.1520
      3     13   56.7    0.7495   1.9560      0.1520
      4      5   88.7    1.9806   5.8247      0.1435
      5      6   95.7    0.9881   0.5766      0.1000
      7      8   81.8    0.1581   3.7805      0.1435
      7     10  104.3    0.2386   3.2932      0.1520
      8      9  129.8    0.1026   0.4876      0.1000
     10     11  106.4    0.2351   1.2224      0.1435
     10     13   85.0    1.0668   0.9720      0.1520
     11     12   93.3    0.1030   0.0923      0.1000
     13     14   87.2    0.6664   4.4932      0.1435
     14     15   71.9    1.2567   4.8085      0.1435
     15     16   57.0    0.4742   3.4035      0.1435
     15     21   91.6    0.3847  17.6591      0.1520
     16     17  105.4    0.2353  18.8067      0.1435
     17     18   90.5    0.1793  15.4891      0.1520
     17     27  163.1    0.1688   4.7973      0.1520
     18     19  128.8    0.1473   3.0623      0.1435
     19     20  131.1    0.1004   1.4866      0.1000
     21     22   59.0    0.2583  19.4978      0.1435
     21     24   75.0    0.2454  18.2038      0.1520
     22     23   69.8    0.1558   3.1969      0.1000
     24     27   95.0    0.1705  18.0591      0.1520
     25     26   95.1    0.1043   2.0528      0.1000
     27     28   92.3    0.1504  11.2440      0.1435
     28     29   56.5    0.1455   3.3040      0.1435
     29     30   66.7    0.1439   1.4205      0.1435
     29     35  115.3    0.1525   1.5023      0.1520
     30     31  115.1    0.1435   0.0240      0.1435
     31     41   39.6    0.1520   0.1845      0.1520
     35     36  123.8    0.1436   0.2553      0.1435
     35     38  125.4    0.1521   0.2678      0.1520
     36     37   58.7    0.1000   0.1677      0.1000
     38     39   44.9    0.1435   0.2033      0.1435
     38     41   45.8    0.1520   0.2244      0.1520
     44     45   49.6    0.1440   0.2112      0.1435
     45     46   52.2    0.1525   0.2301      0.1520
     45     55   92.2    0.1542   0.3725      0.1520
     49     52   53.2    0.1524   0.2378      0.1520
     52     53   54.4    0.1438   0.2240      0.1435
     52     55   92.5    0.1538   0.3668      0.1520
     55     56   85.8    0.1497   0.3253      0.1435
     81     82   33.7    0.0990   0.0994      0.1000
Constraint error in algorithm Lincs at step 47433
Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates

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