[gmx-users] mpirun problem

mn2 at hw.ac.uk mn2 at hw.ac.uk
Wed Mar 9 16:47:14 CET 2005

Hi All user,

I have been trying to run the programme on 2 nodes and it is giving me the
following error message:
mpirun  -np 2 mdrun -s pro.tpr -o pro.tr -np 2

Fatal error: GROMACS compiled without MPI support - can't do parallel runs

********************* WARNING ***********************
This is a vulnerable region. Exiting the application
now may lead to improper cleanup of temporary objects
To exit the application, press Ctrl-C again
********************* WARNING ************************

Please give me some clue whats going worng.

Following is the background information:

1)two individual work stations with same installation details.

2) gromacs, lam/mpi and fft installed as a root

3) programme running ok with single node(master node)

4) when I run ldd mpirun from my home directory, it says "ldd: ./mpirun: No
such file or directory". I checked the path  and it appears to be ok.

Thanking you,



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