[gmx-users] bam.gct

paloureiro at biof.ufrj.br paloureiro at biof.ufrj.br
Sat Mar 26 17:08:26 CET 2005

Dear users,

I know this subject has already been discussed in this list, but I still have 
some questions regarding the syntax of the file .gct.

For instance,

   Couple       To  i-type  j-type         xi-c6        xi-c12
; j-type == -1 means mixing rules will be applied!
LJ       =     Pres       0       0             0          1000
LJ       =     Epot       0       0         -1000             0

I understand one is coupling LJ to pressure and Epot.
But, what "0" and "1000" stand for?



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