[gmx-users] (no subject)

raja raja_28 at fastmail.us
Fri Jan 20 05:34:03 CET 2006

Dear sir,
       Thank you for your mail. Later I reinstalled my cygwin with all
       development softwares enabled. Again
I tried to compile and I successed this time , As you mentioned there
might be some problem in my eariler cygwin installation. Now I could
compile it successfully and started my first MD in it.

Thanks a lot for your suggestions.

With regards,

On Fri, 20 Jan 2006 09:23:48 +1100, "Mark Abraham"
<Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au> said:
> raja wrote:
> > Dear Gmxion,
> >      I am having problem in compiling the latest version of GROMACS
> >      under CYGWIN. Kindly help me by 
> > sharing your compiled executables in the above said platform.
> No, I have other uses for 145M of bandwidth.
> Compiling gromacs version 3.3 under recent versions of cygwin is
> painless.
> 1) Get source code for version 3.3 of gromacs
> 2) Get a recent cygwin installation
> 3) Open the cygwin bash shell or cygwin xterm, not the windows cmd shell 
> or anything else similar
> 4) Unpack the source code
> 5) Change to the right directory
> 6) Issue "./configure" plus the options you want
> 7) When that works issue "make" and wait for that to work
> 8) "make install"
> 9) Start doing MD
> Your earlier post with mentions of "C:\Cygwin\bin\cc.exe" clearly 
> indicates that you are not using the cygwin build tools, as mentioned by 
> Yang Ye. Don't attempt to use any other set of compilers/make 
> tools/whatever until you
> a) really know what you are doing,
> b) don't have any plans for your spare time,
> c) don't want it to work, and
> d) hate yourself.
> Mark
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  raja_28 at fastmail.us

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