[gmx-users] dssp on PC

dastmalchi.s at tbzmed.ac.ir dastmalchi.s at tbzmed.ac.ir
Wed Jan 25 14:49:59 CET 2006

Dear Wang,

Many thanks for the suggestion, but I have already set the environmental
variable for dssp.exe and all other paths for the bin and top directories
were defined.

I don't know what else I need to look for.

Many thanks,

> Hi,
> I'm not sure about using DSSP in WinXP, but you'd better check your
> environmental variables in your PC. Right click "My computer" icon in
> your desktop, select "property", then "advanced" and "environmental
> variables".Make sure dssp.exe is in the "environmental variables"
> pathway. Hope it helps.
> Wang Zhun
> In your mail:
>>From: <dastmalchi.s at tbzmed.ac.ir>
>>Reply-To: Discussion list for GROMACS users <gmx-users at gromacs.org> To:
>> <gmx-users at gromacs.org>
>>Subject: [gmx-users] dssp on PC
>>Date:Tue, 24 Jan 2006 19:09:38 -0300 (GMT+3)
>>Dear GMX users,
>>I have recently posted my problem regarding the installation of Gromacs
>> on sgi computer, but haven't got any reply yet. I will appreciate it if
>> any one could kindly reply to my previous question.
>>But for now, I was wondering if anyone has used the dssp under gromacs
>> in a PC computer running WinXP. I have done every thing that I could
>> have think of, but still the programs stops and says that
>>The system cannot find the path specified.
>>After the above message, it hangs and I can see from the task manager
>> that dssp.exe is running but cannot find what it is looking for.
>>I don't know which path it refers to.
>>I will appreciate it if you let me know how I can fix this problem.
>>Cheer, Siavoush
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