[gmx-users] Ngmx
Mark Abraham
Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au
Thu May 11 15:27:08 CEST 2006
karamyog singh wrote:
> Respected gentlemen, I have written another code for simulating atomic
> oxygen. the code is running fine. however when i view my run using ngmx,
> the entire box doesn't get filled up.It just shows one plane of atoms. I
> have a box of 27 atoms but ngmx shows only 9. Can any1 tell me why and
> the solution to this problem.
> 27MY OX 27 0.000000 0.250000 0.500000 ; 0.000 0.000 0.000
> 0.5 0.5 0.5
Your box is of size 0.5x0.5x0.5, so atom 27 overlays exactly with some
other atom at 0,0.25,0... evidently you are doing this with all of your
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