[gmx-users] Archiving all the simulation data

Stéphane Téletchéa steletch at jouy.inra.fr
Fri May 19 12:10:56 CEST 2006

Dallas B. Warren a écrit :
> Not exactly specific GROMACS question, but looking for some insight for
> those who are sure to be encountering the same issues.
> How are people now handling archiving the huge data files that are
> produced when going to large simulation boxes for long periods of time?
> Until recently it has been find for me to put them onto DVDs, or may be
> two or three.  But as the sims get bigger, that is getting to be a pain
> to do.
> What are the options available?  Is there actually anything out there
> that can archive things when you are looking at 20-50G of data files?
> Or is the best option to just archive onto hard drives now?
> Catch ya,
> Dr. Dallas Warren

I won't add to what has been said already, but just some info about your 
media size research :

Blu-rays and HD-DVD burner are becoming available, although expensive 
(around 1000 $/€ each burner) and its media also (from 25-50 $/€), the 
sotrage capacity starts at 25 GB (single-sided) and can be 50 GB per 
disc, for the moment.

If you have the money and a good reseller, the solution is to replace 
the DVD burner by a blu-ray or HD-DVD burner + medias.

BTW, i think the price will drop rapidly (i think they'll become next 
Christmas 'must have', so price may drop at least by a factor of 2 
within one year), but again, it depends on the budget and urgency.


Stéphane T.

Stéphane Téletchéa, PhD.                  http://www.steletch.org
Unité Mathématique Informatique et Génome http://migale.jouy.inra.fr/mig
INRA, Domaine de Vilvert                  Tél : (33) 134 652 891
78352 Jouy-en-Josas cedex, France         Fax : (33) 134 652 901

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