[gmx-users] protein constrained, ligand ot constrained
Lars.Schaefer at mpi-bpc.mpg.de
Lars.Schaefer at mpi-bpc.mpg.de
Sun Apr 15 18:59:46 CEST 2007
hi Luca,
I dont quite understand your point. The benefit of constraints is that
they allow you to use a larger timestep of, say, 2 fs instead of 1 fs or
so. But if you dont constrain your ligand, you have to use a small
timestep anyway, so there is no reason to constrain the protein then.
BTW: according to my experience, the main contribution to the binding
energy is electrostatics, so make sure your pointcharges are OK. No need
to worry about the bond force constants. You want to constrain them
anyway ;-)
> Dear all,
> I would like to set up a simulation of a protein-ligand system with the
> protein left bond-constrained using LINCS algorithm and the ligand left
> unconstrained, i.e. in order to check the effect of some variations of
> force constants that I have computed on the protein-ligand interactions.
> Do you have any suggestion about this issue ?
> Actually, the only solution that I have (as suggested by someone else,
> also) is to use the mdp option
> constraints = none
> and write a new section for the protein topology of this kind (values
> are w/o meaning):
> [constraints]
> 1 2 1 0.150
> 1 3 1 0.179
> 2 9 1 0.130
> etc etc ... an almost simple script could do the job.
> This method seems to me, by now, the right one, but do you know any
> other more straightforward method for performing this operation ?
> Thanx in advance
> Luca
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