[gmx-users] Problems with pdb2gmx simulating a iron-sulfur cluster

Tsjerk Wassenaar tsjerkw at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 18:04:53 CEST 2007

Hi Nicolas,

You should also add the bonds to the file specbond.dat in the $GMXLIB
directory. You can search the mailing list archive for information on
this file (I believe it's not in the manual). The other thing has to
do with the bond/angletypes. Make sure you use the correct atom types
(but that's also in the specbond.dat file).

Hope it helps,


On 4/20/07, martinez <nicolas.martinez at ibs.fr> wrote:
> Hi gmx users!
> I am novice in gromacs and in MD and I've been encountering a couple of
> problems simulating iron sulfur clusters.
> The first thing I've done is creating a new residue in the rtp files
> for the 2 clusters.
> Then I specified the bonds in the ffG43a1bon.itp file for my sulfur
> iron bonds and modified the specbond.dat file in order to specify the
> cysteine-iron bond and the histidine-iron bond. I also changed the
> ffG43a1.itp file as follows
> ; bond-, angle- and dihedraltypes for specbonds:
> [ bondtypes ]
> S      S       2    gb_33
> NR     FE      2    gb_32
> ; cystine - heme link (is CR1-S, use CH2-S):
> S      CR1     2    gb_30
> ; cystine - fs link:
> FE     S       2    gb_48
> [ angletypes ]
> CH1    CH2    S     2   ga_15
> CH2    S      S     2   ga_5
> CR1    NR    FE     2   ga_33
> NR     FE    NR     2   ga_16
> ; cystine - heme link (is CH2-S-CR1, use CH2-S-CH2):
> CH2    S     CR1    2   ga_3
> ; cystine - heme link (is S-CR1-C/CH2, use CHn-CH2-S):
> S      CR1   C      2   ga_15
> S      CR1   CH2    2   ga_15
> ; cystine - fs link
> S      FE    S      2   ga_47
> FE      S    FE     2   ga_48
> this is what pdb2gmx tells me
> Special Atom Distance matrix:
>                     CYS17   CYS20  CYS110  CYS114  CYS147  CYS187  CYS212
>                     SG135   SG152   SG812   SG837  SG1062  SG1371  SG1570
>     CYS20   SG152   0.651
>    CYS110   SG812   1.529   1.023
>    CYS114   SG837   0.667   0.660   1.067
>    CYS147  SG1062   0.621   0.671   1.411   0.557
>    CYS187  SG1371   2.487   2.320   2.869   2.512   2.009
>    CYS212  SG1570   2.801   2.726   3.230   2.766   2.278   0.693
>    CYS218  SG1617   2.169   2.092   2.625   2.122   1.634   0.648   0.646
>    CYS227  SG1685   1.613   1.313   1.896   1.624   1.176   1.044   1.571
>    CYS245  SG1828   1.731   1.585   2.100   1.636   1.168   0.926   1.161
>    CYS248  SG1846   1.119   0.945   1.592   1.051   0.573   1.464   1.792
>    FS4265 FE11986   2.365   2.257   2.769   2.322   1.834   0.478   0.475
>    FS4265 FE21988   2.565   2.400   2.838   2.484   2.020   0.464   0.468
>    FS4265 FE31990   2.636   2.530   3.034   2.601   2.112   0.490   0.230
>    FS4265 FE41992   2.494   2.352   2.875   2.483   1.988   0.229   0.499
>    FS4266 FE11994   0.228   0.488   1.329   0.472   0.473   2.406   2.721
>    FS4266 FE21996   0.485   0.474   1.119   0.229   0.453   2.418   2.714
>    FS4266 FE31998   0.460   0.481   1.283   0.441   0.230   2.179   2.485
>    FS4266 FE42000   0.467   0.230   1.126   0.492   0.496   2.318   2.677
>    FS3267 FE12002   1.307   1.136   1.778   1.281   0.788   1.236   1.590
>    FS3267 FE22004   1.504   1.278   1.901   1.510   1.029   1.044   1.492
>    FS3267 FE32006   1.554   1.400   1.991   1.514   1.022   1.000   1.327
>                    CYS218  CYS227  CYS245  CYS248  FS4265  FS4265  FS4265
>                    SG1617  SG1685  SG1828  SG1846 FE11986 FE21988 FE31990
>    CYS227  SG1685   1.037
>    CYS245  SG1828   0.530   0.650
>    CYS248  SG1846   1.151   0.640   0.648
>    FS4265 FE11986   0.230   1.111   0.696   1.326
>    FS4265 FE21988   0.481   1.200   0.853   1.487   0.278
>    FS4265 FE31990   0.491   1.348   0.975   1.604   0.280   0.273
>    FS4265 FE41992   0.480   1.118   0.857   1.454   0.273   0.270   0.277
>    FS4266 FE11994   2.080   1.501   1.614   0.985   2.275   2.460   2.550
>    FS4266 FE21996   2.068   1.501   1.580   0.958   2.263   2.431   2.542
>    FS4266 FE31998   1.840   1.284   1.362   0.734   2.034   2.212   2.312
>    FS4266 FE42000   2.036   1.355   1.540   0.893   2.216   2.378   2.492
>    FS3267 FE12002   0.960   0.473   0.471   0.230   1.121   1.283   1.396
>    FS3267 FE22004   0.906   0.230   0.477   0.473   1.022   1.154   1.281
>    FS3267 FE32006   0.701   0.483   0.230   0.477   0.857   1.021   1.132
>                    FS4265  FS4266  FS4266  FS4266  FS4266  FS3267  FS3267
>                   FE41992 FE11994 FE21996 FE31998 FE42000 FE12002 FE22004
>    FS4266 FE11994   2.408
>    FS4266 FE21996   2.408   0.266
>    FS4266 FE31998   2.173   0.269   0.265
>    FS4266 FE42000   2.333   0.272   0.275   0.277
>    FS3267 FE12002   1.233   1.192   1.183   0.950   1.101
>    FS3267 FE22004   1.080   1.395   1.397   1.167   1.281   0.267
>    FS3267 FE32006   0.977   1.444   1.431   1.201   1.364   0.265   0.273
> Linking CYS-17 SG-135 and FS4-266 FE1-1994...
> Linking CYS-20 SG-152 and FS4-266 FE4-2000...
> Linking CYS-114 SG-837 and FS4-266 FE2-1996...
> Linking CYS-147 SG-1062 and FS4-266 FE3-1998...
> Linking CYS-187 SG-1371 and FS4-265 FE4-1992...
> Linking CYS-212 SG-1570 and FS4-265 FE3-1990...
> Linking CYS-218 SG-1617 and FS4-265 FE1-1986...
> Linking CYS-227 SG-1685 and FS3-267 FE2-2004...
> Linking CYS-245 SG-1828 and FS3-267 FE3-2006...
> Linking CYS-248 SG-1846 and FS3-267 FE1-2002...
> N-terminus: NH3+
> I have 2 questions:
> Why aren't the histidines in the matrix? I think that the program
> protonates first the histidines before generating the matrix with the
> distances, but I'm not sure...
> When I take a look at my topology file, in the[ bonds ] section, this
> is what I see
>   2016  2017     2    gb_30
>   2017  2490     2
>   2018  2019     2    gb_4
> where atom 2490 is an iron and atom 2017 is a sulfur atom from a
> cysteine. Why doesn't pdb2gmx specify the bond type? It's really
> strange because pdb2gmx does not give me a message error or a warning
> of any kind.
> Thank you for your help.
> Nicolas
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Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.
Junior UD (post-doc)
Biomolecular NMR, Bijvoet Center
Utrecht University
Padualaan 8
3584 CH Utrecht
The Netherlands
P: +31-30-2539931
F: +31-30-2537623

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