[gmx-users] restarting a sorted shuffled trajectory
chris.neale at utoronto.ca
chris.neale at utoronto.ca
Mon Feb 12 21:40:39 CET 2007
Your specific problem is probably because you sent unsorted
(=desorted) .trr file to grompp -sort. Due to the order that grompp
does things, the .trr must already be appropriately sorted at the time
that it is read in. This is the reason for the complicated procedure
that I outlined in the description section of g_desort.
Also, and I can't stress this enough: If you want to use grompp -sort
to start and then continue by anything other than tpbconv, you need to
use g_desort and NOT trjconv -n deshuffle.ndx. For the procedure that
I outline you may as well delete deshuffle.ndx as soon as it is created.
I sent more complete information previously but it bounced back. Here
it is again. Hopefully it is not a double post.
The instructions are in g_desort.
I think you misunderstand one key thing: use g_desort to go from a
totally mangled
trajectory to a totally unmangled trajectory. If you use g_desort then
you shouldn't need
the deshuffle.ndx file that was output from trjconv and definately do
not first deshuffle
and then use g_desort. The program really should be called
g_deshuffledesort but that
seemed like a too long name.
I have by now fully tested this and I use it for all of my large runs.
The key test that
convinced me is that after I put tens of 200ps pieces back together
(trjcat the
desorteddeshuffled .xtc files) I use g_msd to calculate the MSD vs.
time for water and I
get a straight line without any inconsistencies at the shuffle/sort
junctures. Also I
have used VMD to view independent water molecules and things are all
looking good.
The benefit of sort tends to deteriorate over time so I find it best
to do cycles of
about 200ps. This said, shuffling and sorting my runs gives me 100%
efficiency to 4cpus =
they run 4x as fast as they do on a single node. I can't come anywhere
near that with
plain runs.
Here is a sample script that I use to run a cycle. After running this
once through I
simply increment the $in and $out values and run again. Actually I
have template
submission scripts and then a daemon that uses sed to put the correct
numbers in the
correct places to make a new input script for submission each round.
I took a look at your specific information and there is not enough
there. Please specify
how you are doing your desorting. Also, please take a look at the
source code where it
contains a description of how to use the program. Note that you need
to deshuffle/desort
to get something that you can look at but then you need to re-sort
your trr according to
the new sorting scheem that will be different than the last one and is
currently unknown.
To do this you do a trial grompp that allows you to generate a ndx
that can take your
normal .trr to a properly sorted/shuffled trr for input.
Sorry that it's so confusing but it's the only way that I could think
of. So here is the
sample script first and then after that I have attached the notes that
are included in
I am happy that this has found someone else that is interested in
using it. Please feel
free to direct and more questions to this list.
#$ -v
#$ -v
cd ${MD}
echo "Starting grompp..."
#Shuffle the .trr input file correctly. Assume that it is not
currently shuffled
${ED}/grompp -np ${mynp} -shuffle -sort -f ${MYMOL}${out}.mdp -c
${MYMOL}${in}_deshuffleddesorted.gro -p ${MYMOL}.top -n ${MYMOL}.ndx -o
${MYMOL}${out}_a.tpr -deshuf deshuffle${out}_a.ndx>
output.${MYMOL}_grompp${out}_a 2>
rm -f deshuffle${out}_a.ndx mdout.mdp
echo System | ${ED}/editconf -f ${MYMOL}${out}_a.tpr -o
#g_desort -f original shuffled will unshuffle
#Assuming that g_desort -f shuffled original will REshuffle
${DD}/g_desort -f ${MYMOL}${out}_shuffledsortedInit_a.gro
${MYMOL}${in}_deshuffleddesorted.gro -o reshuffleresort${MYMOL}${out}_a.ndx
${ED}/trjconv -f ${MYMOL}${in}_deshuffleddesorted.trr -o
${MYMOL}${in}_reshuffleresort.trr -n ./reshuffleresort${MYMOL}${out}_a.ndx
#Create the run input file
${ED}/grompp -np ${mynp} -shuffle -sort -f ${MYMOL}${out}.mdp -c
${MYMOL}${in}_deshuffleddesorted.gro -t
${MYMOL}${in}_reshuffleresort.trr -p ${MYMOL}.top
-n ${MYMOL}.ndx -deshuf deshuffle${out}.ndx -e ${MYMOL}${in}.edr -o
${MYMOL}${out}.tpr >
output.${MYMOL}_grompp${out} 2> output.${MYMOL}_grompp${out}_e
rm -f deshuffle${out}.ndx mdout.mdp
#If a new reshuffle.ndx file differs then the run is invalid.
echo System | ${ED}/editconf -f ${MYMOL}${out}.tpr -o
${DD}/g_desort -f ${MYMOL}${out}_shuffledsortedInit.gro
${MYMOL}${in}_deshuffleddesorted.gro -o reshuffleresort${MYMOL}${out}.ndx
look=`diff -q ./reshuffleresort${MYMOL}${out}_a.ndx
if [ -n "$look" ]; then
echo There was a big problem. reshuffleresort${out}_a.ndx
reshuffleresort${out}.ndx are
mv ${MYMOL}${out}.tpr ${MYMOL}${out}_notValid.tpr
#Create the deshuffle file to properly handle the next run
${DD}/g_desort -f ${MYMOL}${in}_deshuffleddesorted.gro
${MYMOL}${out}_shuffledsortedInit.gro -o deshuffledesort${MYMOL}${out}.ndx
rm -f ${MYMOL}${out}_a.tpr ${MYMOL}${out}_shuffledsortedInit_a.gro
./reshuffleresort${MYMOL}${out}_a.ndx ${MYMOL}${in}_reshuffleresort.trr
./reshuffleresort${MYMOL}${out}.ndx mdout.mdp
echo "grompp finished"
cd ${MD}
echo "Starting mdrun..."
#Production dynamics
${LAM}/mpirun C ${ED}/mdrun_mpi -np ${mynp} -s ${MYMOL}${out}.tpr
-deffnm ${MYMOL}${out}
-v > output.${MYMOL}_mdrun${out} 2> output.${MYMOL}_mdrun${out}_e
echo "mdrun finished"
#Deshuffle the gro xtc and trr files. The edr file does not need this.
echo System | ${ED}/trjconv -f ${MYMOL}${out}.xtc -s ${MYMOL}${out}.tpr -n
deshuffledesort${MYMOL}${out}.ndx -o ${MYMOL}${out}_deshuffleddesorted.xtc
echo System | ${ED}/trjconv -f ${MYMOL}${out}.trr -s ${MYMOL}${out}.tpr -n
deshuffledesort${MYMOL}${out}.ndx -o ${MYMOL}${out}_deshuffleddesorted.trr
echo System | ${ED}/trjconv -f ${MYMOL}${out}.gro -s ${MYMOL}${out}.tpr -n
deshuffledesort${MYMOL}${out}.ndx -o ${MYMOL}${out}_deshuffleddesorted.gro
echo ${out} > ./finished
Here are the notes:
static char *desc[] = {
"g_desort takes two coordinate files as input and outputs a .ndx
file that ",
"can be used to properly sort/shuffle or desort/deshuffle. ",
"The -f option takes two coordinate files as input and the order
is important: ",
"the first file is the desired order and the second file is the
current order. ",
"To desort coordinates g_desort -f unsorted.gro sorted.gro and to
resort ",
"coordinates g_desort -f sorted.gro unsorted.gro. In order to use
the -sort option ",
"of grompp you will only need to desort your trajectory and
g_desort makes this
trivial. ",
"However, the benifit of sorting ",
"decreases over time as the particles move away from their sorted
Therefore ",
"regular re-sorting is desirable. The usage section below
describes how to do this. ",
"The basic idea is to pre-sort the .trr file for loading into
grompp based on a
resort ",
".ndx file generated by g_desort after a preliminary grompp
without the .trr. An
additional ",
"sorting step is added to ensure that the grompp sorting did not
change based on the
loaded i",
".trr file. The mdrun in then completed and desorted prior to
starting again. \n",
"USAGE: \n",
"1. grompp -shuffle -sort -c original.gro -o sorted_temp.tpr \n",
"2. editconf -f sorted_temp.tpr -o sorted_temp.gro \n",
"3. g_desort -f sorted_temp.gro original.gro -o resort_temp.ndx \n",
"4. trjconv -f original.trr -n resort_temp.ndx -o sorted.trr \n",
"5. grompp -shuffle -sort -c original.gro -t sorted.trr -o
sorted.tpr \n",
"6. editconf -f sorted.tpr -o sorted.gro \n",
"7. g_desort -f sorted.gro original.gro -o resort.ndx \n",
"8. look=`diff -q resort_temp.ndx resort.ndx`; if [ -n ${look}
]; then exit; fi \n",
"9. g_desort -f original.gro sorted.gro -o desort.ndx \n",
"10. mdrun_mpi -s sorted.tpr \n",
"11a. trjconv -f output.xtc -n desort.ndx -o output_desorted.xtc \n",
"11b. trjconv -f output.trr -n desort.ndx -o output_desorted.trr \n",
"11c. trjconv -f output.gro -n desort.ndx -o output_desorted.gro \n",
"12. Use these output_desorted files as input to step 1 as the
files \n",
" - the .edr file does not need to be desorted \n",
" - g_desort takes care of sorting and shuffling at the
same time \n",
" - Do not use the -deshuf deshuf.ndx file from grompp \n",
" - This is a beta version. It might not work properly. Don't
trust it \n",
" - Expecting your index files to start from the number 1. If
they start from the
number 0 then ",
"you must modify the fprintf output lines to remove the +1 from
the integer that is
output \n",
"BUGS: \n",
"The determination of the expected number of particles per grid
is sub-optimal ",
"and if the ratio of system volume over grid points is too small
then the program
will not allocate ",
"enough memory. This is detected, but it should be fixed (perhaps
by actually
counting before allocating\n",
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