[gmx-users] g_mindist -pi option

andrea spitaleri spitaleri.andrea at hsr.it
Mon Jun 11 16:46:58 CEST 2007

Hi there,
I have a complex protein-peptide in a box 6.5 6.5 6.5 with a starting periodic image of 3.0 nm,
using PME and rlist=rvdw=rcoulomb=0.9.
Now, I use to check the pi dist during my simulation in order to make sure that the box is larger
enough. After 6ns I get this result:
        0        3.018  4.711  6.555  6.555  6.555
        30       2.791  4.514  6.557  6.557  6.557
        60       2.721  4.270  6.555  6.555  6.555
        90       2.762  4.378  6.554  6.554  6.554
	4620     3.017  4.042  6.558  6.558  6.558
        4650     0.173  9.080  6.548  6.548  6.548
        4680     2.700  3.949  6.561  6.561  6.561
        4710     2.881  4.113  6.560  6.560  6.560
        6000     2.939  4.049  6.556  6.556  6.556

So it seems that there is a "spike" around 4650 ps of a very low distance (quite worrying me).
Any hints? is it true this value or is it pbc artefact?
Thanks in advance



ps. gmx3-3-1 compiled on suse-10.2 gcc-v 4.1.2

Andrea Spitaleri PhD
Dulbecco Telethon Institute
c/o DIBIT Scientific Institute
Biomolecular NMR, 1B4
Via Olgettina 58
20132 Milano (Italy)

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