[gmx-users] interpretation life time

Mark Abraham mark.abraham at anu.edu.au
Thu Mar 15 23:02:29 CET 2007

> Thank Erick
> My problem is actually of interpretation. I have done to simulation of two
> monomers of the acid pectic in water, 10ns. When I calculate the time of
> average life of the bridge between one O of a monomer with a H of another
> monomer, it he goes out for me, for example, 52ps.
> What it  means this time does, having in count  them 10ns of simulation?
> Is it the time that it remains and time whenever it  appears? Or the time
> that appears are they them 52ps divided whenever it  appears?

It's difficult to understand what you mean. If you've alreaded calculated
the "time of average life" then the documentation for the tool you used is
where you should look for the details of what you've calculated.


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