[gmx-users] g_sas

Arthur Roberts aroberts99163 at yahoo.com
Fri May 4 21:32:11 CEST 2007

This is a question about what the lines from the solvent  
accessibility mean.

I executed the following command.

g_sas -s mdrun.tpr -f mdrun.trr -or mdrun.xvg

xmgrace -nxy mdrun.xvg

I get two sets of values: one is bigger (black) than the other (red).

Is the red lower value, the standard error or standard deviation or  
something else?

I checked the manual and other sources, but I could not find an  
answer.  If it was written in fine print and I missed it, I am sorry  
about that.

Thank you in advance,

Art Roberts
University of Washington
Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Seattle, WA 98195

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