[gmx-users] uneven distribution of water across the bilayer

Alok alokjain at iitk.ac.in
Fri Oct 19 09:22:23 CEST 2007

Dear Mark,

Thanks a lot for your valuable time, and sorry for inappropriate 
description, I am describing again, I hope thin time I can make it clear.

I took preequilibrated POPE.pdb files which already have SPC water molecules 
I had deleted these water molecules and change the box size at 'Z Axis' 
only, so I can accommodate more water, then using genbox I had added TIP4P 
water molecules, but it also added the water molecules in the interior of 
the bilayer. So I deleted these water by the criteria if the 'Z' coordinate 
of the water in between the 'Z_min' and 'Z_max' of 'C13' (where branching of 
the POPE molecules start) atom. After that I got the files which don't have 
any water at the interior of the bilayer but there is a vaccuum between 
lipid head group and TIP4P water molecules (I defined it as a ZONE in my 
previous mail). As discussed in the mailing list so many times I can do same 
thing by increasing the VdW radius of lipid atoms. But after that I was 
expecting these vacuum will be vanished and water molecules will spread 
homogenously after sort span of MD, as suggested in the mailing list. But 
here problem has started I run MD till 500ps, but water molecules are 
clustered at some places, at some places there is no water or very less 
water. i.e. I am getting uneven distribution of water molecules over lipid 
head groups.

So I thought this problem might be due to pressure coupling or type of 
ensemble I am using (might be I am wrong here !).

I ran four different sort MD by using isotropic, semiisotropic, anisotropic 
pressure coupling and last one no pressure coupling (NVT ensemble). But in 
all the cases I am getting similar structure at last which is uneven 
distribution of TIP4P water molecules over head groups.

The parameters I used for diffrent couplings all mentioned below.

Isotropic: (First Simulation)
diffrent                       = Berendsen
Pcoupltype                = isotropic
tau_p                         =   2.0
compressibility         =  4.5e-5
ref_p                          = 1

semiisotroic: (Second Simulation)
Pcoupl                       = Berendsen
Pcoupltype               = semiisotropic
tau_p                        =   2       2
compressibility        =    0       4.5e-5
ref_p                         =  0       1.0

anisotropic: (Third Simulation)
Pcoupl                      =  Berendsen
pcoupltype               =  anisotropic
tau_p                        =  10.0       10.0        10.0      0        0 
compressibility        =  4.5e-5     4.5e-5     4.5e-5    0        0       0
ref_p                         =  1.0         1.0           1.0      0 
0       0

NVT  (Fourth Simulation).

I hope I make my problem clear.could some one give some idea what 
parameters/ensemble I should take to overcome this problem.  please suggest 
me where I am doing mistake.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Abraham" <Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au>
To: "Discussion list for GROMACS users" <gmx-users at gromacs.org>
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] uneven distribution of water across the bilayer

> Alok wrote:
>> Dear All,
>>  I am trying to simulate lipid-water system (340 POPE lipids & 6120 TIP4P 
>> Waters), during the solvation by genbox, It also add the the water at the 
>> interior of the bilayer. I removed those water molecules by my perl 
>> script. But after removing these water molecules I have observed a zone 
>> between the lipid head group and water.
> You'll have to describe that "zone" better if you want us to understand 
> what you're talking about. Read genbox -h where it mentions vdwradii.dat
>> I tried to do small simulations (50 to250 ps) using different pressure 
>> coupling but still I am not getting the structure which have homogeneous 
>> arrangement of water over lipid head group. There is uneven distribution 
>> of water across the bilayer.
> Are these last two observations related, or not?
>> During this sort simulations position restrain on lipid was applied.
> Check your waters aren't restrained too.
>> I tried Isotropic, semiisotropic,anisotropic pressure coupling with the 
>> following parameter, but no luck
> I think you need to read section 7.3.14 of the manual. You're using 
> combinations of parameter values that don't make sense.
>> Isotropic:
>> Pcoupl                       = Berendsen
>> Pcoupltype                = isotropic
>> tau_p                         =   2.0
>> compressibility         =  4.5e-5
>> ref_p                          = 1
>>  semiisotropic:
>> Pcoupl                       = Berendsen
>> Pcoupltype               = semiisotropic
>> tau_p                        =   2       2
>> compressibility        =  0       4.5e-5
>> ref_p                         =  0       1.0
>>  anisotropic:
>> Pcoupl                      =  Berendsen
>> pcoupltype               =  anisotropic
>> tau_p                        =  10.0       10.0        10.0      0 
>> 0       0
>> compressibility        =  4.5e-5   4.5e-5    4.5e-5    0      0       0
>> ref_p                         =  1.0         1.0           1.0       0 
>> 0       0
>> I also tried NVT Ensemble but no success till now.
> So the problem is something other than the way you're setting up your 
> ensemble.
>>  could some one give
>> some idea what parameters I should take to overcome this problem. I 
>> searched the mailing list this problem discussed so many time suggestion 
>> was after sort simulation (10-20 ps) water will arrange properly,but I am 
>> not able to get proper arrangement of water molecules. please suggest me 
>> where I am doing mistake.
>>  Other parameters od the MDP file.
>>  define                     = -DPOSRES_LIPID
>> integrator               = md
>> dt                            = 0.002
>> nsteps                   = 25000
>> nstcomm               =  1
>> nstxout                  = 1000
>> nstvout                  = 500
>> nstlog                   = 100
>> nstenergy              = 100
>> nstxtcout                = 500
>> xtc_precision        = 1000
>> xtc_grps               =  POPE  SOL
>> energygrps          =  POPE  SOL
>> nstlist                          = 10
>> ns_type                       = grid
>> pbc                             = xyz
>> rlist                             = 0.9
>> coulombtype              = PME
>> rcoulomb                   = 0.9
>> rvdw                             = 1.2
>> fourierspacing           =  0.12
>> pme_order                 =  6
>> ewald_rtol                  =  1e-5
>> optimize_fft                 =  yes
>> vdw-type                     = Cut-off
>> gen_vel                          = yes
>> gen_temp                     = 300
>> gen_seed                     = 173529
>> constraints                   =  all-bonds
>> constraint_algorithm    =  lincs
>> unconstrained_start     =  no
>> lincs_order                     =  4
>> lincs_iter                         =  1
>> lincs_warnangle           =  30
> That looks OK at a glance.
> Mark
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