[gmx-users] Stanford workshop april 7-8

Erik Lindahl lindahl at cbr.su.se
Fri Feb 15 20:13:19 CET 2008

Hi again,

Quick update:

I've finally settled the block room reservations at the guest house  
($89 for singles, $119 for doubles), and will try to put up a  
registration page in a couple of hours.

I think I have a solution to keep it reasonably fair just in case  
there's overwhelming interest:

In the first round I'll simply let everybody register until tuesday  
night (PST) next week, and if by then there are more people than slots  
(~30) we will have to draw randomly, but give people from US/Canada/ 
Mexico priority.  Hopefully Europeans will get another chance in  
Göttingen soon :-)

 From wednesday any possible remaining slots will be filled on a first- 
come, first-served, basis.



Erik Lindahl   <lindahl at cbr.su.se>  Backup: <erik.lindahl at gmail.com>
Assistant Professor, Computational Structural Biology
Center for Biomembrane Research, Dept. Biochemistry & Biophysics
Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel: +46(0)8164675  Mobile: +46(0)704218767  Fax: mail a PDF instead

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