[gmx-users] Concerning DSSP

Ricardo Soares rsoares at fcfrp.usp.br
Tue Feb 26 15:12:23 CET 2008

Hello everyone. I'm new to this list and first of all I'd like to salute 
all the members and crew.

I'm having a little problem with permissions with the DSSP program, 
should anybody help me I'd be glad. I've already read the forum but 
couldn't find an answer.

I'm running GROMACS in two computers (same OS - linux debian); I 
installed the DSSP program in both following the same procedure, thus 
equally. However only one of them works properly, the other keeps 
writing the following output:
"Back Off! I just backed up ddYgb3p0 to ./#ddYgb3p0.1#"
"sh: /path/to/dssp: Permission denied"

These folders' permissions are already changed by the chmod command. 
What else could it be?

I'd really appreciate some insights.



Ricardo Oliveira dos Santos Soares
Post-graduation Student in Biological Physics
University of Sao Paulo - USP
Faculty of Farmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirao Preto - FCFRP
Phone: 55 (16) 3602-4840
Curriculum Lattes - http://lattes.cnpq.br/0777038258459931

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