[gmx-users] mpi.h is missing...

Jussi Lehtola jussi.lehtola at helsinki.fi
Mon May 12 08:51:25 CEST 2008

On Mon, 2008-05-12 at 13:43 +0700, Dmitri Dubov wrote:
> Dear GMX users,
> Sorry for my stupid question, but unfortunately I'am very poor
> programmer...
> Earlier I have installed gromacs 3.3.3 under SUSE Linux 10.3 both in
> single and in double precision mode. Both versions work well. Now I
> try to add MPI version of mdrun (useful for my Dual Core Intel
> machine!). lam-mpi and libaio have been installed. But building
> mdrun_mpi I fail to pass "configure" step. The error is "Cannot
> compile and link MPI code with cc". 
> In config.log I see the reason: cc does not find mpi.h. I look for
> this header through the whole filesystem - any *mpi.h is really
> missing!

You must install the LAM development package. Howerer LAM is obsolete,
it's better to use OpenMPI. Install the packages openmpi and
openmpi-devel, and then use mpicc to compile Gromacs (mpif77 for Fortran
77 and mpif90 for Fortran 90). To run use

grompp -np (number of processes) (normal args) to initialize
mpirun -np (number) mdrun -np (number) (args)

Hope this solves your problem.
Jussi Lehtola, FM, Tohtorikoulutettava
Fysiikan laitos, Helsingin Yliopisto
jussi.lehtola at helsinki.fi, p. 191 50673
Mr. Jussi Lehtola, M. Sc., Doctoral Student
Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland
jussi.lehtola at helsinki.fi

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