[gmx-users] dihedral parameters in oplsaa

David van der Spoel spoel at xray.bmc.uu.se
Tue May 27 11:17:21 CEST 2008

friendli wrote:
> Thanks David and Mark for the advice. But I think I did not state it 
> very clearly.
> It is not 9 sets of dihedrals which share the same parameters are found 
> in the output by gmxdump. But 9 of the 15 dihedrals exist in this 
> molecule are listed. They are under Ryckaert-Bell. As for the function 
> types, there are only two.
> I pastes the relevant part this time.  The missing parameter dihedrals 
> are labeled with ; **.

Then most likely they have parameters that are zero. Do you get grompp 
warnings about this?

> from .top file,
> [ dihedrals ]
> ;  ai    aj    ak    al funct            c0            c1            
> c2            c3            c4            c5
>    2     1     5     6     3
>    2     1     5     7     3
>    2     1     5     8     3
>    3     1     5     6     3
>    3     1     5     7     3
>    3     1     5     8     3
>    4     1     5     6     3
>    4     1     5     7     3
>    4     1     5     8     3
>    1     5     8     9     3     ; **
>    1     5     8    10     3    ; **
>    6     5     8     9     3     ; **
>    6     5     8    10     3    ; **
>    7     5     8     9     3     ; **
>    7     5     8    10     3    ; **
> ___________________________________________
> from  gmxdump,
>       Ryckaert-Bell.:
>            nr: 45
>            multinr[division over processors]: 45
>            iatoms:
>               0 type=47 (RBDIHS) 1 0 4 5
>               1 type=47 (RBDIHS) 1 0 4 6
>               2 type=48 (RBDIHS) 1 0 4 7
>               3 type=47 (RBDIHS) 2 0 4 5
>               4 type=47 (RBDIHS) 2 0 4 6
>               5 type=48 (RBDIHS) 2 0 4 7
>               6 type=47 (RBDIHS) 3 0 4 5
>               7 type=47 (RBDIHS) 3 0 4 6
>               8 type=48 (RBDIHS) 3 0 4 7
> _____________________________________________
> for identify the atom numbers,
> [ atoms ]
> ;   nr       type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr     charge       mass  
> typeB    chargeB      massB
>     1   opls_287      1    GLY      N      1       -0.3    14.0067   ; 
> qtot -0.3
>     2   opls_290      1    GLY     H1      1       0.33      1.008   ; 
> qtot 0.03
>     3   opls_290      1    GLY     H2      1       0.33      1.008   ; 
> qtot 0.36
>     4   opls_290      1    GLY     H3      1       0.33      1.008   ; 
> qtot 0.69
>     5   opls_298      1    GLY     CA      1       0.09     12.011   ; 
> qtot 0.78
>     6   opls_140      1    GLY    HA1      1       0.06      1.008   ; 
> qtot 0.84
>     7   opls_140      1    GLY    HA2      1       0.06      1.008   ; 
> qtot 0.9
>     8   opls_271      1    GLY      C      2        0.7     12.011   ; 
> qtot 1.6
>     9   opls_272      1    GLY     O1      2       -0.8    15.9994   ; 
> qtot 0.8
>    10   opls_272      1    GLY     O2      2       -0.8    15.9994   ; 
> qtot 0
> regards
> LQ
>> Message: 7
>> Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 13:54:08 +0800
>> From: friendli <friendli2000 at gmail.com>
>> Subject: [gmx-users] dihedral parameters in oplsaa
>> To: gmx-users at gromacs.org
>> Message-ID: <483BA200.1040704 at gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> Hi gmx users,
>> In order to understand the oplsaa all atom force field, I use pdb2gmx 
>> to generate topology file of a pdb which contains only one AA( the 
>> glycine).
>> After the EM simulation, I use gmxdump to look for the details of the 
>> parameters.
>> I find,
>> in .top file, there are 15 proper dihedrals under directive 
>> [dihedrals] and the funtion type is 3 (i.e. RB dihedrals).
>> However, in the output generated by gmxdump, there are explicit 
>> parameters for only 9 of these dihedrals.  The 9 dihedrals corresponds 
>> to 9 of the 15 in .top correctly, but the other 6 are missing.
>> In the six missed dihedrals,  two are for N-CA-C-O, four are for  
>> HA-CA-C-O.
>> Can anybody give a hint on this? Is there any default value not output 
>> by gmxdump? All other parameters are fully printed.
>>      H   H  O
>>       |    |    | H- N - C - C = O
>>       |
>>      H
>> thank you
>> LQ
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 8
>> Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 08:21:55 +0200
>> From: David van der Spoel <spoel at xray.bmc.uu.se>
>> Subject: Re: [gmx-users] dihedral parameters in oplsaa
>> To: Discussion list for GROMACS users <gmx-users at gromacs.org>
>> Message-ID: <483BA883.6030703 at xray.bmc.uu.se>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> friendli wrote:
>>> Hi gmx users,
>>> In order to understand the oplsaa all atom force field, I use pdb2gmx 
>>> to generate topology file of a pdb which contains only one AA( the 
>>> glycine).
>>> After the EM simulation, I use gmxdump to look for the details of the 
>>> parameters.
>>> I find,
>>> in .top file, there are 15 proper dihedrals under directive 
>>> [dihedrals] and the funtion type is 3 (i.e. RB dihedrals).
>>> However, in the output generated by gmxdump, there are explicit 
>>> parameters for only 9 of these dihedrals.  The 9 dihedrals 
>>> corresponds to 9 of the 15 in .top correctly, but the other 6 are 
>>> missing.
>>> In the six missed dihedrals,  two are for N-CA-C-O, four are for  
>>> HA-CA-C-O.
>>> Can anybody give a hint on this? Is there any default value not 
>>> output by gmxdump? All other parameters are fully printed.
>>>     H   H  O
>>>      |    |    | H- N - C - C = O
>>>      |
>>>     H
>> multiple dihedrals share the same parameters. look further down at 
>>> thank you
>>> LQ
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> gmx-users mailing list    gmx-users at gromacs.org
>>> http://www.gromacs.org/mailman/listinfo/gmx-users
>>> Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before 
>>> posting!
>>> Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the www 
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>> Message: 9 Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 17:45:02 +1000 From: Mark Abraham 
>> <Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au> Subject: Re: [gmx-users] dihedral parameters 
>> in oplsaa To: Discussion list for GROMACS users 
>> <gmx-users at gromacs.org> Message-ID: <483BBBFE.5090101 at anu.edu.au> 
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed friendli 
>> wrote:
>>> > Hi gmx users,
>>> > > In order to understand the oplsaa all atom force field, I use 
>>> pdb2gmx to > generate topology file of a pdb which contains only one 
>>> AA( the glycine).
>>> > > After the EM simulation, I use gmxdump to look for the details of 
>>> the > parameters.
>>> > > I find,
>>> > in .top file, there are 15 proper dihedrals under directive 
>>> [dihedrals] > and the funtion type is 3 (i.e. RB dihedrals).
>>> > However, in the output generated by gmxdump, there are explicit > 
>>> parameters for only 9 of these dihedrals.  The 9 dihedrals 
>>> corresponds > to 9 of the 15 in .top correctly, but the other 6 are 
>>> missing.
>>> > > In the six missed dihedrals,  two are for N-CA-C-O, four are for  
>>> > HA-CA-C-O.
>>> > > Can anybody give a hint on this? Is there any default value not 
>>> output > by gmxdump? All other parameters are fully printed.
>>> > > >     H   H  O
>>> >      |    |    | H- N - C - C = O
>>> >      |
>>> >     H
>> Well done for using your initiative to see how things work :-) As 
>> David said, each unique function is only stored once. Later in the 
>> gmxdump there's another field that has an entry for each atom number 
>> involved in an actual dihedral, and an index into this table of 9 
>> dihedral functions to actually look up the parameters. Also, do be 
>> aware that gmxdump numbers beginning from 0, but your .top begins from 
>> 1. Mark
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> gmx-users mailing list    gmx-users at gromacs.org
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David van der Spoel, Ph.D.
Molec. Biophys. group, Dept. of Cell & Molec. Biol., Uppsala University.
Box 596, 75124 Uppsala, Sweden. Phone:	+46184714205. Fax: +4618511755.
spoel at xray.bmc.uu.se	spoel at gromacs.org   http://folding.bmc.uu.se

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